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Building Gridlab-d


These instructions should be executed in your terminal of choice. This may be MSYS2, a WSL instance, or the built-in terminal for your OS of choice (note: Windows CMD does not work).

If you are on Windows and are using MSYS2, see this page for setting up MSYS2 to run the commands below.


CCMake or CMake-gui (optional)   
g++ or Clang



Clone the git repository for GridLAB-D and update submodules:

git clone
cd gridlab-d
git submodule update --init

Prepare out-of-source build directory

Create build directory and move into it:

mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build

Generate the build system

CMake flags can be added using the `-D` prefix, and different build systems can be selected using `-G`.

Below is a general format guide, and an actual viable build command for most platforms.

# Format:
cmake <flags> ..
# Full Example: 
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/software/GridLAB-D -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ..

Build and install the application

CMake can directly invoke the build and install process by running the below command. Multiprocess build is enabled through the `-j#` flag (`-j8` in the included example).

# Run the build system and install the application
cmake --build . -j8 --target install

CMake Variables

The following variables affect the build process and can be changed using the `-D` flag at build generation or by updating the cache using ccmake or cmake-gui (default values are shown).

Variable Valid Values Description Linux/Mac Default Windows Default
Example Example Example Example Example
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE 'Debug', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel', 'Release' Compiler optimizer configuration Debug Debug
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Any path Install location /usr/local %ProgramFiles%
GLD_USE_HELICS ON/OFF Enables detection and use of HELICS OFF OFF
HELICS_DIR Any path Hint indicating HELICS install directory
GLD_USE_MYSQL ON/OFF Enables detection and use of MySQL OFF OFF
MYSQL_DIR Any path Hint indicating MySQL install directory

Enable building with HELICS

To enable HELICS set the `GLD_USE_HELICS` flag to `ON` if HELICS is in a custom path set `HELICS_DIR` to the install location in CMake or as an environmental variable


Enable building with MySQL

To enable MySQL support set the `GLD_USE_MYSQL` flag to `ON` if MySQL is in a custom path set `MYSQL_DIR` to the install location in CMake or as an environmental variable

Enable build debugging

To output all build commands during build, set following flag to `ON`


Developer Build Flags

GridLAB-D Developers may want to enable additional C++ code style and bugprone checks, which have been made available through the use of the clang-tidy tool at compile time. To enable these build-time checks, a flag to enable these checks is provided


WARNING: Enabling clang-tidy checks will significantly increase the number of build warnings for portions of the code base which have not yet been updated