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evcharger - Electric or hybrid vehicles


class evcharger {
       (class residential_enduse;)
       enumeration {HIGH=2, MEDIUM=1, LOW=0} charger_type;
       enumeration {HYBRID=1, ELECTRIC=0} vehicle_type;       
       enumeration {WORK=1, HOME=0, UNKNOWN=4294967295} state;       
       double p_go_home[unit/h];
       double p_go_work[unit/h];
       double work_dist[mile];
       double capacity[kWh];
       double charge[unit];
       bool charge_at_work;
       double charge_throttle[unit];
       char1024 demand_profile;


Property name Type Unit Description
charger_type enumeration none Charge rate (HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW)
vehicle_tpe enumeration none Specify if vehicle is hybrid or all electric.
state enumeration none Initial location of the vehicle.
p_go_home double unit/h Probability of vehicle returning home.
p_go_work double unit/h Probability of vehicle leaving to work.
work_dist double mile One way distance traveled between home and work.
capacity double kWh Battery capacity
charge double unit Current battery state of charge, fraction of capacity.
charge_at_work bool none Specify if work charging is available.
charge_throttle double unit Sets fraction of full charge rate.
demand_profile char1024 none Demand profile of the vehicle.

Default Evcharger

The minimum definition for an evcharger object is

object evcharger {

Evcharger Schedule

The evcharger object can be put on a schedule to control when it is at home, work, or on a trip. This can be done by using a schedule for the p_go_home and p_go_work properties (only control when it is at home or work) or by using the demand_profile property.


module residential;
module tape;

clock {
	timezone PST+8PDT;
	timestamp '2001-07-10 00:00:00';
	stoptime  '2001-07-18 00:00:00'; 

object house {
	object evcharger {
		object recorder {
			file charge.csv;
			property charge;
			interval 600;


See Also