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Powerflow Overview

The powerflow module performs distribution level solver methods to primarily obtain the voltage and current values in a system. Details on the different solver methods and how each object are handled are in the Powerflow guide.

Inherited Classes

Nearly all objects within the powerflow module are derived from two primary objects: node and >link. Therefore, any properties defined for these two objects are also available to any derived object. For example, a node has voltage properties, so a load automatically has these properties available as well. Any powerflow objects that inherit properties from node or link will be labeled as such. Furthermore, node and link contain most relevant default quantities. Derived objects often assume zero value or throw an error if an explicit property is not indicated. Any exceptions to this rule will be indicated in the parameter list of the particular object.

Powerflow Objects

Along with all of the properties inherited from either node or link, all objects within the powerflow module inherit two basic properties. These two properties are the phases of the object and the nominal voltage for that area of the system. These are expressed in the phases and nominal_voltage parameters of powerflow objects.

The phases property has a variety of valid inputs. These are:

  • A - Phase A of a three phase connection
  • B - Phase B of a three phase connection
  • C - Phase C of a three phase connection
  • D - Delta connected phases - this implies ABC, but explicitly specifying them is recommended
  • N - Neutral phase
  • G - Ground phase
  • S - Split phase - this represents residential level wires (2 "hot" and 1 neutral wire)

These different phases can be specified in a variety of ways. Below are some identical examples with a simple node object (which is covered in more later in this page).

object node {
	phases ABC;
object node {
	phases "ABC";
object node {
	phases A|B|C;
object node {
	phases "A|B|C";

The other common property is nominal voltage, which is passed into the objects using the nominal_voltage parameter. This parameter is used to ensure connected objects are in the proper region (have the same nominal voltage) and also to specify an initial value for the convergence criteria of the different solver methods. Using the same node example, a 7200 Volt nominal voltage would be expressed as:

object node {
	nominal_voltage 7200.0;


The node object is equivalent to a bus of the distribution system. It provides a connection point for link-based objects and a point of known voltages on the system. Three phase voltage is typically available in either wye-connected or delta-connected three phase. Wye-connected voltages are contained in voltage_A, voltage_B, and voltage_C. Delta-connected voltages are available in voltage_AB, voltage_BC, and voltage_CA.

Default Node

A minimalist node could be created with

object node {
	name NodeOne;
	phases ABC;
	nominal_voltage 7200.0;

which is the same as specifying

object node {
	name NodeOne;
	phases ABC;
	nominal_voltage 7200.0;
	voltage_A 7200.0+0d;
	voltage_B 7200.0-120.0d;
	voltage_C 7200.0+120.0d;
	bustype PQ;

Node Parameters

As with all powerflow objects, phases and nominal_voltage are inherently part of node.

Property Name Type Unit Description
voltage_A complex Volts The voltage on phase A of a three-phase system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_B complex Volts The voltage on phase B of a three-phase system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_C complex Volts The voltage on phase C of a three-phase system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_AB complex Volts The voltage on phase AB of a delta-connected three-phase system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
voltage_BC complex Volts The voltage on phase BC of a delta-connected three-phase system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
voltage_CA complex Volts The voltage on phase CA of a delta-connected three-phase system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
current_A complex Amperes The current load on phase A (wye) or phase AB (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
current_B complex Amperes The current load on phase B (wye) or phase BC (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
current_C complex Amperes The current load on phase C (wye) or phase CA (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_A complex Volt-Amperes The power load on phase A (wye) or phase AB (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_B complex Volt-Amperes The power load on phase B (wye) or phase BC (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_C complex Volt-Amperes The power load on phase C (wye) or phase CA (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_A complex Siemens (mhos) The shunt admittance load on phase A (wye) or phase AB (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_B complex Siemens (mhos) The shunt admittance load on phase B (wye) or phase BC (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_C complex Siemens (mhos) The shunt admittance load on phase C (wye) or phase CA (delta) of the node. This value is typically handled through the load object, so modification is not recommended here.
bustype enumeration N/A The type of bus the node represents. The different bus distinctions are only valid for the Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson solver methods. The Forward-Back Sweep method (Kersting's method) does not presently incorporate anything other than the PQ bus. Valid choices are
  • PQ for a constant power bus (default)
  • PV for a voltage-controlled (magnitude) bus
  • SWING for the infinite bus of a system.
maximum_voltage_error double Volts The maximum voltage error for convergence checks in the different powerflow solvers. If left blank, it is derived from the nominal_voltage parameter.
busflags enumeration N/A A flag to indicate if the current bus has a source or not. Mainly used for PV implementations. The only valid entries are HASSOURCE to indicate it is a supported bus, or an empty value indicating it is not. Unused at this time.
reference_bus object N/A A reference node elsewhere in the system that the node will use to obtain frequency information if necessary (unimplemented in GridLAB-D at this point).
mean_repair_time double seconds Time after a fault clears for the object to be considered back in service. Mainly used for reliability module interactions at this time.

Node State of Development

Node is considered a highly developed and validated model.


The link object is a connection between nodes in a distribution system. The link object is not directly useful, but is the basis for objects associated with overhead lines, underground lines, triplex lines, transformers, regulators, switches, and fuses.

Default Link

A link only requires three parameters to be specified by default. Most of the actual functionality comes through other objects.

object link {
	name Node1toNode2;
	phases ABC;
	from Node1;
	to Node2;

Link Parameters

Again, as with all powerflow objects, phases and nominal_voltage are inherently part of link. nominal_voltage does not need to be specified for link objects.

Property Name Type Unit Description
from object N/A One connecting end of the link object. This will be the name or reference to a node-based object elsewhere in the powerflow model.
to object N/A The other connecting end of the link object. This will be the name or reference to a node-based object elsewhere in the powerflow model.
power_in complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power flowing into the particular link object as a sum of all three phases.
power_out complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power flowing out of the particular link object as a sum of all three phases.
power_losses complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power loss for all three phases between the input and output of the link..
power_in_A complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase A flowing into the link.
power_in_B complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase B flowing into the link.
power_in_C complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase C flowing into the link.
power_out_A complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase A flowing out of the link.
power_out_B complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase B flowing out of the link.
power_out_C complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power on phase C flowing out of the link.
power_losses_A complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power loss between the input and output of the link on phase A.
power_losses_B complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power loss between the input and output of the link on phase B.
power_losses_C complex Volt-Amperes The calculated power loss between the input and output of the link on phase C.
status enumeration N/A Status of the line in terms of being OPEN or CLOSED. This property is mainly used for switches and fuses, but may be used to remove lines from service. This functionality is primarily used in the FBS solver mode.
current_out_A complex Amperes The calculated current flowing out of the link object on phase A. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
current_out_B complex Amperes The calculated current flowing out of the link object on phase B. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
current_out_C complex Amperes The calculated current flowing out of the link object on phase C. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
current_in_A complex Amperes The calculated current flowing into the link object on phase A. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
current_in_B complex Amperes The calculated current flowing into the link object on phase B. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
current_in_C complex Amperes The calculated current flowing into the link object on phase C. Note: This has not been fully tested for every object.
flow_direction set N/A This is a flag telling which direction current is flowing, relative to the to and from designations, on a each phase of a link object.
0x000 - UNKNOWN - The flow direction is indeterminate.
0x001 - AF - Current is flowing from the from node to the to node on phase A.
0x002 - AR - Current is flowing from the to node to the from node on phase A (reverse flow).
0x003 - AN - No current is flowing on phase A.
0x010 - BF - Current is flowing from the from node to the to node on phase B.
0x020 - BR - Current is flowing from the to node to the from node on phase B (reverse flow).
0x030 - BN - No current is flowing on phase B.
0x100 - CF - Current is flowing from the from node to the to node on phase C.
0x200 - CR - Current is flowing from the to node to the from node on phase C (reverse flow).
0x300 - CN - No current is flowing on phase C.
mean_repair_time double seconds Time after a fault has cleared before the object will be restored to service. Utilized by the reliability module.

Link State of Development

Link is considered a highly developed and validated model.


The line object represents power lines in a distribution system. The line object has two implementations: overhead_line, and underground_line. Each line must be called appropriately. Information about the particular line type will be contained in other objects called line_configuration.

Line-based objects inherit properties from the link object just covered. Two new properties are also added: configuration and length.

Typical usage of an overhead line would be

object overhead_line {
	name Node1toNode2;
	phases ABC;
	from Node1;
	to Node2;
	length 5280;
	configuration Best_overhead_line_cfg;

and the typical usage of the underground line would be

object underground_line {
	name Node1toNode2;
	phases ABC;
	from Node1;
	to Node2;
	length 5280;
	configuration An_underground_line_cfg;

Line Parameters

Along with the inherited link properties, line objects have:

Property Name Type Unit Description
length double feet Length of the line object.
configuration object N/A Name or reference to the particular configuration object that describes the properties of the line object.

Line configuration

Both underground_line and overhead_line objects take line configuration information to describe the particular line being implemented, or they can be described in their raw z-matrix values. A typical line_configuration object would be implemented as

object line_configuration {
	name line_config_A;
	conductor_A overhead_line_conductor_100;
	conductor_B overhead_line_conductor_100;
	conductor_C overhead_line_conductor_100;
	conductor_N overhead_line_conductor_101;
	spacing line_spacing_200;


object line_configuration {
       name line_config_B;
       z11 0.45+1.07j;
       z12 0.15+0.50j;
       z13 0.15+0.38j;
       z21 0.15+0.50j;
       z22 0.46+1.04j;
       z23 0.15+0.42j;
       z31 0.15+0.38j;
       z32 0.15+0.42j;
       z33 0.46+1.06j;

If you want to factor in line capacitance effects, the line_configuration can be extended to:

object line_configuration {
       name line_config_B;
       z11 0.45+1.07j;
       z12 0.15+0.50j;
       z13 0.15+0.38j;
       z21 0.15+0.50j;
       z22 0.46+1.04j;
       z23 0.15+0.42j;
       z31 0.15+0.38j;
       z32 0.15+0.42j;
       z33 0.46+1.06j;
       c11 198.52;
       c22 198.52;
       c33 198.52;

Note that for capacitance calculations to be included in the powerflow, the module-level directive must be included:

module powerflow {
   line_capacitance true;


It is highly recommended to use the line_spacing and overhead_line_conductor or underground_line_conductor objects and let the internal equations calculate the capacitance (and impedance) for the user.

Line configuration properties

Property Name Type Unit Description
conductor_A object N/A Object describing the conductor of phase A in the overhead or underground line object. (overhead_line_conductor or underground_line_conductor)
conductor_B object N/A Object describing the conductor of phase B in the overhead or underground line object. (overhead_line_conductor or underground_line_conductor)
conductor_C object N/A Object describing the conductor of phase C in the overhead or underground line object. (overhead_line_conductor or underground_line_conductor)
conductor_N object N/A Object describing the conductor of phase N in the overhead or underground line object. (overhead_line_conductor or underground_line_conductor)
spacing object N/A line_spacing object describing how the conductors are physically oriented on the pole or in the bundle.
z11-z33 complex Ohm/mile describes the z-matrix directly for either underground or overhead lines instead of using the geometric configurations (This will over-write geometric configurations). For this notation, index 1 is phase A, 2 is phase B, and 3 is phase C. So element z12 represents the mutual/cross coupling impedance between phase A and phase B of this line configuration.
c11-c33 double nF/mile describes the z-matrix directly for either underground or overhead lines instead of using the geometric configurations (This will over-write geometric configurations). For this notation, index 1 is phase A, 2 is phase B, and 3 is phase C. So element c12 represents the mutual/cross coupling capacitance between phase A and phase B of this line configuration. Unlike the zXX terms, this is raw capacitance and does not have the frequency factored into the calculation yet.

Line State of Development

Line is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Line spacing

The line spacing object describe how the individual conductors of a distribution line are arranged underground or on the support pole. A typical implementation of a line_spacing object is

object line_spacing {
	name line_spacing_200;
	distance_AB 2.5;
	distance_BC 4.5;
	distance_AC 7.0;
	distance_AN 5.656854;
	distance_BN 4.272002;
	distance_CN 5.0;

Line Spacing Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
distance_AB double feet Distance between conductors of phase A and phase B.
distance_BC double feet Distance between conductors of phase B and phase C.
distance_AC double feet Distance between conductors of phase C and phase A.
distance_AN double feet Distance between conductors of phase A and the neutral phase.
distance_BN double feet Distance between conductors of phase B and the neutral phase.
distance_CN double feet Distance between conductors of phase C and the neutral phase.
distance_AE double feet Distance between conductor of phase A and the earth (ground).
distance_BE double feet Distance between conductor of phase B and the earth (ground).
distance_CE double feet Distance between conductor of phase C and the earth (ground).
distance_NE double feet Distance between conductor of the neutral phase (phase N) and the earth (ground).

Line Spacing State of Development

Line Spacing is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Overhead Line

Overhead lines are one of three specific line types incorporated into the powerflow distribution-level module. The overhead_line object will take spacing and conductor parameters and translate those values to appropriate impedance matrices based for the specific overhead transmission line configuration. A typical overhead line would be written as

object overhead_line{
	phases "ABCN";
	name 701-802;
	from node_701;
	to load_802;
	length 125960;
	configuration line_config_A;

overhead_line objects are based around the link object and inherit all of its properties. overhead_line objects primarily translate the configuration options specified into a circuit equivalent, so not further properties than those provided by link are required.

Overhead Line State of Development

Overhead Line is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Overhead Line Conductor

For overhead lines, the line_configuration object must specify the overhead line conductor types used in the particular setup. A typical overhead_line_conductor would be implemented as

object overhead_line_conductor {
	name overhead_line_conductor_100;
	geometric_mean_radius .00446;
	resistance 1.12;

Overhead Line Conductor Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
geometric_mean_radius double feet The GMR of the wire.
resistance double Ohm/mile The resistance of the particular conductor, incorporating size and material effects.
diameter double inches Diameter of the conductor - used for capacitance calculations.
rating.summer.continuous double Amperes The continuous rating for the conductor during summer month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.summer.emergency double Amperes The emergency (short time) rating for the conductor during summer month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.winter.continuous double Amperes The continuous rating for the conductor during winter month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.winter.emergency double Amperes The emergency (short time) rating for the conductor during winter month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality

Overhead Line Conductor State of Development

Overhead Line Conductor is considered a highly developed and validated model.

Underground Line

Underground lines represent burial distribution cables in a powerflow system. In terms of GridLAB-D implementation, they are nearly identical to the overhead_line objects. A typical underground_line object would be written as

object underground_line {
	phases "ABC";
	name 703-727;
	from node_703;
	to load_827;
	length 240;
	configuration line_config_7241;

As with overhead_line objects, underground_line objects inherit all of their properties from the link object. The underground_line object again serves as a method to choose the appropriate translation algorithms to take the physical parameters of the system and create an equivalent model. As such, it has no new properties either.

Underground Line State of Development

Underground Line is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Underground Line Conductor

Underground lines often contain concentric shielding layers around the central conductor. As a result, they require more parameters than the overhead_line_conductor objects to fully describe them. A typical underground_line_object is:

object underground_line_conductor { 
	name ug_conduct_7210;
	outer_diameter 1.980000;
	conductor_gmr 0.036800;
	conductor_diameter 1.150000;
	conductor_resistance 0.105000;
	neutral_gmr 0.003310;
	neutral_resistance 5.903000;
	neutral_diameter 0.102000;
	neutral_strands 20.000000;
	shield_gmr 0.000000;
	shield_resistance 0.000000;

Underground Line Conductor Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
outer_diameter double inches Diameter of the outside of the cable, including jacketing and shielding.
conductor_gmr double feet Geometric mean radius of the conductor at the center of the concentric cable.
conductor_diameter double inches Diameter of the conductor at the center of the concentric cable.
conductor_resistance double Ohm/mile Resistance of the conductor at the center of the concentric cable.
neutral_gmr double feet Geometric mean radius of the concentric neutral of the cable.
neutral_diameter double inches Diameter of the concentric neutral of the cable.
neutral_resistance double Ohm/mile Resistance of the concentric neutral of the cable.
neutral_strands integer N/A Number of strands composing the concentric neutral conductor.
insultation_relative_permitivitty double N/A (scalar) Relative permitivitty of the insulation in a concentric neutral cable - relative to air - used for capacitance calculations.
shield_gmr double feet Geometric mean radius of the shielding of the cable.
shield_resistance double Ohm/mile Resistance of the cable shielding.
rating.summer.continuous double Amperes The continuous rating for the conductor during summer month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.summer.emergency double Amperes The emergency (short time) rating for the conductor during summer month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.winter.continuous double Amperes The continuous rating for the conductor during winter month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
rating.winter.emergency double Amperes The emergency (short time) rating for the conductor during winter month usage. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality

Underground Line Conductor State of Development

Underground Line Conductor is considered a highly developed and validated model.

Triplex line

The third type of line available in the powerflow module is the triplex lines. Triplex lines represent the distribution wires coming from the transformer into a typical residential home. That is, they are typically composed of one neutral wire and two "hot" wires. Triplex lines require the phase S to be specified as part of the phases parameter for proper implementation. A typical triplex line would be implemented in a similar fashion to

object triplex_line {
	phases AS;
	length 100 ft;	
	from node_4a;
	to node_4;
	configuration triplex_config_AB;

As with the underground_line and overhead_line objects, triplex_line objects inherit all of their properties from the link object. However, triplex_lines use a different configuration structure than the overhead_line and underground_line objects.

Triplex Line State of Development

Triplex Line is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Triplex Line Configuration

Triplex lines utilize their own configuration description method. Since the phases are no longer described as A, B, or C, the configuration is relabeled. A typical triplex_line_configuration is given as either a geometric configuration

object triplex_line_configuration {
		conductor_1 trip_cond_H;
		conductor_2 trip_cond_H;
		conductor_N trip_cond_N;
		insulation_thickness 0.08 in;
		diameter 0.368 in;

or by using an explicit z-matrix

object triplex_line_configuration {
               z11 1.52+0.61j;
               z12 +0.55+0.44j;
               z21 -0.55-0.44j;
               z22 -1.52-0.61j;

Note: The explicit z-matrix version is an under-determined system. Ground and neutral currents will not be calculated, however, voltage and line currents will be correctly calculated.

Triplex Line Configuration Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
conductor_1 object N/A triplex_conductor object that represents the physical wire of phase 1.
conductor_2 object N/A triplex_conductor object that represents the physical wire of phase 2.
conductor_N object N/A triplex_conductor object that represents the physical wire of the neutral phase.
insulation_thickness double inches Thickness of the insulation around the phase 1 and phase 2 conductors
diameter double inches Diameter of the conductor
spacing object N/A line_spacing object with information on the physical layout of the conductors. This parameter is unused at this point. Future versions of GridLAB-D may implement this functionality
z11-z22 complex Ohm/mile Describes the z-matrix explicitly as opposed to using geometric configurations. Using this will over-write the geometric configurations.

Triplex Line Configuration State of Development

Triplex Line Configuration is considered a highly developed and validated model.

Triplex Conductor

As with the underground_line and overhead_line objects, triplex_line objects have their own conductor objects. This object describes the physical characteristics of the actual wire used in the triple line bundle. A typical implementation would be:

object triplex_line_conductor {
	name trip_cond_1;
	resistance 0.97;
	geometric_mean_radius 0.0111;		

Triplex Conductor Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
resistance double Ohm/mile Resistance of the conductor.
geometric_mean_radius double feet GMR of conductor.

Triplex Conductor State of Development

Triplex Conductor is considered a highly developed and validated model.


Transformers provide a means to change the voltage from one node to another in the distribution system. Similar to the different line objects, a transformer object requires a configuration object to specify the details of the implementation. A typical transform implementation is

object transformer {
	name xfrmr_709_775;
	phases "ABC";
	from node_709;
	to node_775;
	configuration xfrmr_config_400;

Transformer Thermal/Aging Model

A newly added feature to transformers in 3.0 is a thermal/aging model. New parameters are placed within the transformer and and transformer_configuration in order to use this new feature. An implementation of the thermal model within transformer is

object transformer {
	name xfrmr_709_775;
	phases "ABC";
	from node_709;
	to node_775;
	configuration xfrmr_config_400;
        use_thermal_model TRUE;
        climate Seattle;
        aging_granularity 300;
        percent_loss_of_life 20;

Transformer Parameters

Transformers are derived from the link class and inherit all of its properties. The only unique property a transformer object contains is

Property Name Type Unit Description
aging_constant double Kelvin Experimental value used in determining the transformer insulation breaking point. The default is 15000 K.
aging_granularity double sec The maximum time step between transformer age and internal temperature updates. The default is 300 seconds.
ambient_temperature double Celsius Output of the ambient temperature around the transformer. The default is 22.8 C.
climate object N/A climate object that determines the outside ambient temperature around the transformer.
configuration object N/A transformer_configuration object that describes the specific transformer implementation.
percent_loss_of_life double % The percent amount of transformer's operational life used. If no initial value is given then the transformer is considered brand new.
top_oil_hot_spot_temperature double Celsius The hot spot temperature of the top-oil in the transformer. Default initial value is the ambient temperature.
use_thermal_model boolean N/A Flag used to enable use of the thermal/aging model. Default is FALSE.
winding_hot_spot_temperature double Celsius The hot spot temperature of the transformer windings. Default initial value is the ambient temperature.

Transformer State of Development

Transformer is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future. Additionally, future work may include additional transformer configurations.

Transformer Configuration

The transformer_configuration object describes the details of a particular transformer implementation. It includes information like the power rating, connection type, and nominal voltage on each side. A typical delta-delta transformer configuration would be implemented as

object transformer_configuration {
	name xfrm_config_400;
	connect_type DELTA_DELTA;
	install_type PADMOUNT;
	power_rating 500;
	primary_voltage 4800;
	secondary_voltage 480;
	resistance 0.09;
	reactance 1.81;

Transformer Thermal/Aging Model

A new feature added to transformers in 3.0 is the thermal/aging model. New parameters are added to transformer_configuration for this new feature. This model only works with a SINGLE_PHASE_CENTER_TAPPED transformer. A typical implementation is

object transformer_configuration {
	name xfrm_config_400;
	install_type PADMOUNT;
	power_rating 500;
	primary_voltage 4800;
	secondary_voltage 480;
        full_load_loss 0.006;
        no_load_loss 0.003;
        reactance_resistance_ratio 10;
        core_coil_weight 50;
        tank_fittings_weight 60;
        oil_volume 5;
        rated_winding_hot_spot_rise 80;
        rated_top_oil_rise 30;
        rated_winding_time_constant 0.5;
        installed_insulation_life 175200;
        coolant_type MINERAL_OIL;
        cooling_type OA;

Transformer Configuration Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
connect_type enumeration N/A Describes the electrical connection between the high and low side of the transformer. These may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - UNKNOWN - An unknown transformer that will throw an error when used.
1 - WYE_WYE - A wye to wye connected transformer.
2 - DELTA_DELTA - A delta to delta connected transformer.
3 - DELTA_GWYE - A delta to grounded-wye connected transformer.
4 - SINGLE_PHASE - A single leg of a wye to wye connected transformer.
5 - SINGLE_PHASE_CENTER_TAPPED - A single-phase, center-tapped transformer or split-phase transformer. Used to connect three-phase distribution to triplex-distribution.
install_type enumeration N/A Describes the type of transformer the object represents. Used for informational purposes only. Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - UNKNOWN - No information on the transformer physical type.
1 - POLETOP - A pole-mounted transformer.
2 - PADMOUNT - A pad, or ground level transformer.
3 - VAULT - An enclosed transformer "building," either underground or above ground.
primary_voltage double Volts Nominal voltage of the primary winding side of the transformer.
secondary_voltage double Volts Nominal voltage of the secondary winding side of the transformer.
power_rating double kilo-Volt Amperes Nominal power rating of the entire transformer.
powerA_rating double kilo-Volt Amperes Nominal power rating of windings associated with phase A if wye-connected or AB if delta-connected.
powerB_rating double kilo-Volt Amperes Nominal power rating of windings associated with phase B if wye-connected or BC if delta-connected.
powerC_rating double kilo-Volt Amperes Nominal power rating of windings associated with phase C if wye-connected or CA if delta-connected.
resistance double per-unit Ohm De-referenced characteristic resistance of the transformer
reactance double per-unit Ohm De-referenced characteristic reactance of the transformer
impedance complex per-unit Ohm De-referenced characteristic impedance of the transformer. Note that resistance and reactance above directly write the real and complex portions of this parameter, so only resistance and reactance or just impedance need to be specified.
shunt_impedance complex per-unit Ohm Some transformer models support a shunt impedance value to represent no load losses (only wye-wye and center-tap transformers use this value at this time).
impedance1 complex per-unit Ohm De-referenced characteristic impedance of the transformer. Currently only used with center-tap transformers. Defaults to zero; not required for operation. Allows user to reflect impedance values on both the primary and secondary side of transformer (primary is specified by impedance, secondary by impedance1 and impedance2). Phase 1 equals phase 1 of split-phasing.
impedance2 complex per-unit Ohm De-referenced characteristic impedance of the transformer. Currently only used with center-tap transformers. Defaults to zero; not required for operation. Allows user to reflect impedance values on both the primary and secondary side of transformer (primary is specified by impedance, secondary by impedance1 and impedance2). Phase 2 equals phase 2 of split-phasing.
full_load_loss double per-unit Ohm This is the losses of the transformer when at rated load.
no_load_loss double per-unit Ohm The losses through the transformer when there is no load.
reactance_resistance_ratio double N/A The ratio the reactance to the resistance for both shunt and series impedances of the transformer. default is 10.
tank_fittings_weight double Pounds The weight of the transformer's tank and fittings assembly.
oil_volume double Gallons The amount of oil contained within the transformer.
core_coil_weight double Pounds The weight of the transformer's core and coil assembly.
rated_winding_hot_spot_rise double Celsius The winding hot spot temperature rise over ambient at rated transformer load. Default is 80 degrees C.
rated_top_oil_rise double Celsius The top oil temperature rise over ambient at rated transformer load.
rated_winding_time_constant double Hours The winding's time constant.
installed_insulation_life double Hours The transformer's operational time span.
coolant_type enumeration N/A The type of coolant used in the transformer. Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - UNKNOWN - An unknown and unknown coolant type that will throw an error when used.
1 - MINERAL_OIL - A transformer immersed in mineral oil.
2 - DRY - A transformer with air as its coolant. This type is not handled yet.
cooling_type enumeration N/A The type of cooling used in the transformer. Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - UNKNOWN - An unknown and unknown cooling type that will throw an error when used.
1 - OA - A liquid immersed self cooled transformer.
2 - FA - A forced air cooled liquid immersed transformer.
3 - NDFOA - A transformer with non-direction forced oil and air flow.
4 - NDFOw - A transformer with non-direction forced oil and water flow.
5 - DFOA - A transformer with direction forced oil and air flow.
6 - DFOw - A transformer with direction forced oil and water flow.

Transformer Configuration State of Development

Transformer Configuration is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future, and additional models may be included as needed.


Load objects present a method for taking power out of the system in controlled, known amounts. While implemented as a constant load, player objects can be used to vary the load with time. load objects provide a means to implement constant current, constant power, and constant impedance losses or generation into the system. The convention is a load is a positive quantity, so generation would need to be represented as a negative number.

Loads can be a mixture of the constant current, constant impedance, and constant power types. A typical, mixed load would be implemented as

object load {
	phases "ABCD";
	name 841;
	constant_current_C -0.586139+9.765222j;
	constant_impedance_B 221.915014+104.430595j;
	constant_power_A 42000.000000+21000.000000j;
	nominal_voltage 4800;

Load Parameters

load objects are derived from the node objects, so all of the same properties apply.

Property Name Type Unit Description
load_class enumeration N/A Describes the type of load the object represents. Used for informational purposes only. Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - U - Unknown load type
1 - R - Residential load
2 - C - Commercial load
3 - I - Industrial load
4 - A - Agricultural load
measured_voltage_A complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on phase A of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_A directly.
measured_voltage_B complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on phase B of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_B directly.
measured_voltage_C complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on phase C of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_C directly.
measured_voltage_AB complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on delta-phase AB of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_AB directly.
measured_voltage_BC complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on delta-phase BC of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_BC directly.
measured_voltage_CA complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on delta-phase CA of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_CA directly.
The following terms define the load in classical format as constant power, current, and impedance loads on each phase.
constant_power_A complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached to phase A in a wye connection and phase AB in a delta connection.
constant_power_B complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached to phase B in a wye connection and phase BC in a delta connection.
constant_power_C complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached to phase C in a wye connection and phase CA in a delta connection.
constant_current_A complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached to phase A in a wye connection and phase AB in a delta connection.
constant_current_B complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached to phase B in a wye connection and phase BC in a delta connection.
constant_current_C complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached to phase C in a wye connection and phase CA in a delta connection.
constant_impedance_A complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached to phase A in a wye connection and phase AB in a delta connection.
constant_impedance_B complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached to phase B in a wye connection and phase BC in a delta connection.
constant_impedance_C complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached to phase C in a wye connection and phase CA in a delta connection.
The following terms are NOT used in conjunction with the previous set.
These terms are used in the manner of a ZIPload - base power (in VA) is specified on a by-phase basis, then power factor and ZIP fractions for each are specified. All phase rotations are handled internally.
base_power_A double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase A before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_B double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase B before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_C double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase C before applying ZIP fractions
power_pf_A double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase A constant power portion of load
current_pf_A double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase A constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_A double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase A constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_B double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase B constant power portion of load
current_pf_B double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase B constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_B double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase B constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_C double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase C constant power portion of load
current_pf_C double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase C constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_C double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase C constant impedance portion of load
power_fraction_A double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase A
current_fraction_A double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase A
impedance_fraction_A double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase A
power_fraction_B double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase B
current_fraction_B double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase B
impedance_fraction_B double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase B
power_fraction_C double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase C
current_fraction_C double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase C
impedance_fraction_C double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase C

Load State of Development

Load is considered a well developed and validated model, with a number of features. Additional features may be included as needed.


Meters provide a measurement point for power and energy on the system at a specific point. Coupled with a recorder or collector, the meter object provides a method determine how much power and energy have been used by downstream connections, as well as how much current is flowing through the meter object at the present time. A typical implementation would be

object meter {
	name Mtr1;
	phases ABC;
	nominal_voltage 4800.0;

Meter Parameters

A meter object is a derivation of the node object and thus inherits all of its parameters. Most meter parameters are meant to be read-only, but can be set if the need arises.

Property Name Type Unit Description
measured_real_energy double Watt-hours Measurement of the real energy (accumulation of the real power) that has flowed through the meter since it was reset.
measured_reactive_energy double VA-hours Measurement of the reactive energy (accumulation of the reactive power) that has flowed through the meter since it was reset.
measured_power complex Volt-Amperes Measurement of the complex power flowing through the meter at that instant in time.
measured_power_A complex Volt-Amperes Measurement of the complex power flowing through the meter at that instant in time on phase A.
measured_power_B complex Volt-Amperes Measurement of the complex power flowing through the meter at that instant in time on phase B.
measured_power_C complex Volt-Amperes Measurement of the complex power flowing through the meter at that instant in time on phase C.
measured_demand double Watts Measurement of the peak power demand of downstream objects.
measured_real_power double Watts Measurement of the real portion of the power flowing through the meter at that instant in time.
measured_reactive_power double Volt-Amperes reactive Measurement of the reactive portion of the power flowing through the meter at that instant in time.
measured_voltage_A complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on phase A of the meter. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_A directly.
measured_voltage_B complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on phase B of the meter. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_B directly.
measured_voltage_C complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on phase C of the meter. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_C directly.
measured_current_A complex Amperes Measurement of the current on phase A of the meter at that instant in time.
measured_current_B complex Amperes Measurement of the current on phase B of the meter at that instant in time.
measured_current_C complex Amperes Measurement of the current on phase C of the meter at that instant in time.
bill_day int32 N/A Sets the date of the month at which the final monthly bill is calculated (at midnight). Maximum value is 28.
price double $/kWh Determines the instantaneous market price of energy. Where the price comes from depends upon the bill_mode.
monthly_fee double $ This is a recurrent monthly service charge that is added into the bill on the first day of the billing cycle (no pro-rating).
monthly_bill double $ This is the running monthly bill at the particular meter as a function of price and the amount of energy used in that month.
previous_monthly_bill double $ This stores the total bill from the previous month after the bill has been processed on the bill_day.
monthly_energy double kWh The rolling amount of energy consumed during the current month at that meter. Used to calculate monthly_bill.
previous_monthly_energy double kWh Stores the previous month's total energy consumption.
bill_mode enumeration N/A Describes the method in which the meter receives its price signal.
0 - NONE - Billing is not used (default).
1 - UNIFORM - A static price is used through variable price, however, this may change over time using a player or schedule.
2 - TIERED - Tiered pricing plan where the price changes as a function of the amount of energy used in the month. See tier_price and tier_energy.
3 - HOURLY - This is used in conjunction with an auction or stubauction object. Receives its price directly from a market signal, but only updates on an hourly basis. Used in conjunction with power_market.
power_market object N/A When using bill_mode HOURLY, this points the meter to the object where it will receive a price signal.
first_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above first_tier_energy, but below second_tier_energy. If second_tier_energy is not defined, then this price will be used to infinity. While energy is below first_tier_energy, price is used to calculate the monthly_bill.
second_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above second_tier_energy, but below third_tier_energy. If third_tier_energy is not defined, then this price will be used to infinity.
third_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above third_tier_energy and is used to infinite energy.
first_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from price to first_tier_price.
second_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from first_tier_price to second_tier_price.
third_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from second_tier_price to third_tier_price.

Meter State of Development

Meter is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models using billing features have not been fully validated.

Triplex Node

Triplex nodes represent special cases of the node object. The triplex_node object still serves as connection point between different links of the system and a point of measurable voltage. However, triplex_nodes are casted to represent phases 1, 2, and N rather than A, B, and C like normal node objects. Simplified, they operate in the split-phase level of distribution rather than the three-phase level.

Since load objects are directly derived from node objects, they are only valid for three-phase connections as well. Therefore, the load functionality has been built into the triplex_load object for split-phase level systems.

It is important to note that triplex-based objects should include the phase S somewhere in their designation.

A typical triplex_node implementation is

object triplex_node {
	name TPL_tAS;
	phases AS;
	voltage_1 120 + 0j;		
	voltage_2 120 + 0j;
	voltage_N 0;
	current_1  1.0;
	power_1 1000+2000j;	
	shunt_1 5.3333e-004 -2.6667e-004i;	
	nominal_voltage 120;

Triplex Node Parameters

triplex_node objects are technically derived from node objects as well. However due to the triplex nature of their use and the particular implementation, the normal node parameters are not available for use.

Property Name Type Unit Description
bustype enumeration N/A The type of bus the node represents. The different bus distinctions are only valid for the Gauss-Seidel and Newton-Raphson solver methods. The Forward-Back Sweep method (Kersting's method) does not presently incorporate anything other than the PQ bus. Valid choices are
  • PQ for a constant power bus (default)
  • PV for a voltage-controlled (magnitude) bus
  • SWING for the infinite bus of a system.
busflags enumeration N/A A flag to indicate if the current bus has a source or not. Mainly used for PV implementations. The only valid entries are HASSOURCE to indicate it is a supported bus, or an empty value indicating it is not.
reference_bus object N/A A reference node elsewhere in the system that the triplex_node will use to obtain frequency information if necessary (unimplemented in GridLAB-D at this point).
maximum_voltage_error double Volts The maximum voltage error for convergence checks in the different powerflow solvers. If left blank, it is derived from the nominal_voltage parameter.
voltage_1 complex Volts The voltage on phase 1 of a split-phase or triplex system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_2 complex Volts The voltage on phase 2 of a split-phase or triplex system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_N complex Volts The voltage on the neutral phase of a split-phase or triplex system. This may be specified in rectangular (7200.0+0.0j) or polar (7200.0+0.0d) formats.
voltage_12 complex Volts The voltage between phases 1 and 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
voltage_1N complex Volts The voltage between phases 1 and N of the split-phase or triplex system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
voltage_2N complex Volts The voltage between phases 2 and N of the split-phase or triplex system. This is a derived quantity and can be read, but it is not recommended you set this value.
current_1 complex Amperes Constant current load on phase 1 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
current_2 complex Amperes Constant current load on phase 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
current_N complex Amperes Constant current load on the neutral phase of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
current_12 complex Amperes Constant current load on across phases 1 and 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_1 complex Volt-Amperes Constant power load on phase 1 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_2 complex Volt-Amperes Constant power load on phase 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
power_12 complex Volt-Amperes Constant power load across phases 1 and 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_1 complex Siemens (mhos) Constant admittance load on phase 1 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_2 complex Siemens (mhos) Constant admittance load on phase 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
shunt_12 complex Siemens (mhos) Constant admittance load across phases 1 and 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
impedance_1 complex Ohms Constant impedance load on phase 1 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
impedance_2 complex Ohms Constant impedance load on phase 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.
impedance_12 complex Ohms Constant impedance load across phases 1 and 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. This value is typically handled through the triplex_load object, so modification is not recommended here.

Triplex Node State of Development

Triplex Node is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future.

Triplex Meter

Triplex meters provide similar functionality for triplex systems that meter objects do in three-phase systems. A triplex meter provides a measurement point for power and energy on the system at a specific point. Coupled with a recorder or collector, the triplex_meter object provides a method determine how much power and energy have been used by downstream connections, as well as how much current is flowing through the meter object at the present time. A typical implementation would be

object triplex_meter {
	name TrplMtr1;
	phases AS;
	nominal_voltage 120.0;

Triplex Meter Parameters

A triplex_meter object is a derivation of the triplex_node object and thus inherits all of its parameters. Most triplex_meter parameters are meant to be read-only, but can be set if the need arises.

Property Name Type Unit Description
measured_real_energy double Watt-hours Measurement of the real energy (accumulation of the real power) that has flowed through the triplex_meter since it was reset.
measured_reactive_energy double Volt-Amperes-hours Measurement of the reactive energy (accumulation of the reactive power) that has flowed through the triplex_meter since it was reset.
measured_power complex Volt-Amperes Measurement of the complex power flowing through the triplex meter at that instant in time.
measured_demand double Watts Measurement of the peak power demand of downstream objects.
measured_real_power double Watts Measurement of the real portion of the power flowing through the triplex meter at that instant in time.
measured_reactive_power double Volt-Amperes reactive Measurement of the reactive portion of the power flowing through the meter at that instant in time.
indiv_measured_power_1 complex Volt-Amperes Measures the complex power flowing through the meter on phase 1.
indiv_measured_power_2 complex Volt-Amperes Measures the complex power flowing through the meter on phase 2.
indiv_measured_power_N complex Volt-Amperes Measures the complex power flowing through the meter on phase N.
measured_voltage_1 complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on phase 1 of the split-phase or triplex system. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_1 directly.
measured_voltage_2 complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on phase 2 of the split-phase or triplex system. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_2 directly.
measured_voltage_N complex Volts Measurement of the voltage on the neutral phase of the split-phase or triplex system.. May or may not be as up to date as reading voltage_N directly.
measured_current_1 complex Amperes Measurement of the current on phase 1 of the triplex meter at that instant in time.
measured_current_2 complex Amperes Measurement of the current on phase 2 of the triplex meter at that instant in time.
measured_current_N complex Amperes Measurement of the current on the neutral phase of the triplex meter at that instant in time.
bill_day int32 N/A Sets the date of the month at which the final monthly bill is calculated (at midnight). Maximum value is 28.
price double $/kWh Determines the instantaneous market price of energy. Where the price comes from depends upon the bill_mode.
monthly_fee double $ This is a recurrent monthly service charge that is added into the bill on the first day of the billing cycle (no pro-rating).
monthly_bill double $ This is the running monthly bill at the particular meter as a function of price and the amount of energy used in that month.
previous_monthly_bill double $ This stores the total bill from the previous month after the bill has been processed on the bill_day.
monthly_energy double kWh The rolling amount of energy consumed during the current month at that meter. Used to calculate monthly_bill.
previous_monthly_energy double kWh Stores the previous month's total energy consumption.
bill_mode enumeration N/A Describes the method in which the meter receives its price signal.
0 - NONE - Billing is not used (default).
1 - UNIFORM - A static price is used through variable price, however, this may change over time using a player or schedule.
2 - TIERED - Tiered pricing plan where the price changes as a function of the amount of energy used in the month. See tier_price and tier_energy.
3 - HOURLY - This is used in conjunction with an auction or stubauction object. Receives its price directly from a market signal, but only updates on an hourly basis. Used in conjunction with power_market. NOTE: while this says "hourly", it will actually update any time the price changes in the auction.
4 - TIERED_RTP - Merges TIERED and HOURLY modes. Applies both a real time price via the auction to energy usage, but then also applies block / tiered rates to the total monthly energy use.
power_market object N/A When using bill_mode HOURLY, this points the meter to the object where it will receive a price signal.
first_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above first_tier_energy, but below second_tier_energy. If second_tier_energy is not defined, then this price will be used to infinity. While energy is below first_tier_energy, price is used to calculate the monthly_bill.
second_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above second_tier_energy, but below third_tier_energy. If third_tier_energy is not defined, then this price will be used to infinity.
third_tier_price double $/kWh When using bill_mode TIERED, this determines the energy price after energy increases above third_tier_energy and is used to infinite energy.
first_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from price to first_tier_price.
second_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from first_tier_price to second_tier_price.
third_tier_energy double kWh Determines the point at which the price of energy changes from second_tier_price to third_tier_price.

Triplex Meter State of Development

Triplex Meter is considered a highly developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models using billing have not been fully validated. Additional features will be added as needed.

Triplex Load

Triplex load is similar to load and ZIPload in that load can be specified as a direct value, or as a base load, then a ZIP fraction applied to that base load. The load can be placed on phase 1 (120V), phase 2 (120V) or phase 12 (240V). Much like the load object, player objects can be used to vary the load with time. triplex_load objects provide a means to implement constant current, constant power, and constant impedance losses or generation into the system. The convention is a load is a positive quantity, so generation would need to be represented as a negative number.

Loads can be a mixture of the constant current, constant impedance, and constant power types. A typical, mixed load would be implemented as

object triplex_load {
	phases "AS";
	name tplex_load;
	constant_current_1 -0.586139+9.765222j;
	constant_impedance_2 221.915014+104.430595j;
	constant_power_12 4200.00+2100.00j;
	nominal_voltage 120.0;

Triplex Load Parameters

triplex_load objects are derived from the triplex_node objects, so all of the same properties apply.

Property Name Type Unit Description
load_class enumeration N/A Describes the type of load the object represents. Used for informational purposes only. Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
0 - U - Unknown load type
1 - R - Residential load
2 - C - Commercial load
3 - I - Industrial load
4 - A - Agricultural load
load_priority enumeration N/A Describes how the load could be treated for any prioritization schemes. Used for informational purposes only, or via external controls (no built in functionality uses these). Valid types may be referenced by keyword or number
measured_voltage_1 complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on phase 1 of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_1 directly.
measured_voltage_2 complex Volts A point to measure the voltage on phase 2 of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_2 directly.
measured_voltage_12 complex Volts A point to measure the voltage between phase 1 and 2 (e.g., 240-volt connection) of the load. Note that this value will be from the previous powerflow iteration, so may not be up to date. For best results, read voltage_12 directly.
The following terms define the load in classical format as constant power, current, and impedance loads on each phase.
constant_power_1 complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached to phase 1 and the neutral/ground.
constant_power_2 complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached to phase 2 and the neutral/ground.
constant_power_12 complex Volt-Amperes The constant power quantity of the load attached between phase 1 and 2 - effectively as a delta connection.
constant_current_1 complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached to phase 1 and the neutral/ground.
constant_current_2 complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached to phase 2 and the neutral/ground.
constant_current_12 complex Amperes The constant current quantity of the load attached between phase 1 and 2 - effectively as a delta connection.
constant_impedance_1 complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached to phase 1 and the neutral/ground.
constant_impedance_2 complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached to phase 2 and the neutral/ground.
constant_impedance_12 complex Ohms The constant impedance quantity of the load attached between phase 1 and 2 - effectively as a delta connection.
The following terms are NOT used in conjunction with the previous set.
These terms are used in the manner of a ZIPload - base power (in VA) is specified on a by-phase basis, then power factor and ZIP fractions for each are specified. All phase rotations are handled internally.
base_power_1 double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase 1 before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_2 double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase 2 before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_12 double VA in similar format as ZIPload this represents the nominal power on phase connection 12 before applying ZIP fractions
power_pf_1 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant power portion of load
current_pf_1 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_1 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_2 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant power portion of load
current_pf_2 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_2 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_12 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase connection 12 constant power portion of load
current_pf_12 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase connection 12 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_12 double pu in similar format as ZIPload this is the power factor of the phase connection 12 constant impedance portion of load
power_fraction_1 double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase 1
current_fraction_1 double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase 1
impedance_fraction_1 double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase 1
power_fraction_2 double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase 2
current_fraction_2 double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase 2
impedance_fraction_2 double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase 2
power_fraction_12 double pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase connection 12
current_fraction_12 double pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase connection 12
impedance_fraction_12 double pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase connection 12

Triplex Load State of Development

Triplex_load is considered a well developed and validated model, with a number of features. Additional features may be included as needed.


Regulators are essentially tap-changing transformers that attempt to maintain a voltage level at a specified point in the system. Regulators are one of two objects in the powerflow module that incorporate a form of automatic control. To take full advantage of this functionality, simulations of greater than one time step (time-varying simulations) are recommended. Similar to transformer and line objects, regulators require a regulator_configuration to determine many of their operating parameters.

A typical implementation would be

object regulator {
	name Reg799781;
	phases "ABC";
	from node_799;
	to node_781;
	configuration reg_conf_79978101;

Regulator Parameters

A regulator object is a derived class from link objects. Therefore, all of the parameters available to the link object apply here as well.

Property Name Type Unit Description
configuration object N/A regulator_configuration object that describes the specific regulator implementation.
tap_A int16 N/A Position of the tap on phase A of a wye-connected or phase AB of a delta-connected system. This parameter is most useful to be read in automatic regulator modes, but serves as the input for tap position of the phase under the manual control scheme.
tap_B int16 N/A Position of the tap on phase B of a wye-connected or phase BC of a delta-connected system. This parameter is most useful to be read in automatic regulator modes, but serves as the input for tap position of the phase under the manual control scheme.
tap_C int16 N/A Position of the tap on phase C of a wye-connected or phase CA of a delta-connected system. This parameter is most useful to be read in automatic regulator modes, but serves as the input for tap position of the phase under the manual control scheme.
sense_node object N/A Remote node for the automatic control method to monitor. Only utilized in REMOTE_NODE control scheme. This must be a node-based object to work properly.
tap_A_change_count int16 N/A Holds the number of times the tap position on phase A of a wye-connected or phase AB of a delta-connected system has changed.
tap_B_change_count int16 N/A Holds the number of times the tap position on phase B of a wye-connected or phase BC of a delta-connected system has changed.
tap_C_change_count int16 N/A Holds the number of times the tap position on phase C of a wye-connected or phase CA of a delta-connected system has changed.

Regulator State of Development

Regulator is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future. Additional configurations, controls, and/or losses may be included as needed.

Regulator Configuration

The regulator_configuration object describes the details of a particular regulator object implementation. This includes details such as the control scheme, regulator type, sensing information, and time delays. A typical regulator configuration would look similar to

object regulator_configuration {
	name reg_conf_79978101;
	connect_type 2;
	band_center 122.000;
	band_width 2.0;
	time_delay 30.0;
	raise_taps 16;
	lower_taps 16;
	current_transducer_ratio 350;
	power_transducer_ratio 40;
	compensator_r_setting_A 1.5;
	compensator_x_setting_A 3.0;
	compensator_r_setting_B 1.5;
	compensator_x_setting_B 3.0;
	CT_phase "ABC";
	PT_phase "ABC";
	regulation 0.10;
	Control MANUAL;
	control_level INDIVIDUAL;
	Type A;
	tap_pos_A 7;
	tap_pos_B 4;

Regulator Configuration Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
connect_type enumeration N/A Selection method for the electrical connection type of the regulator implemented. Valid types may be referred to by number or keyword
0 - UNKNOWN - Unknown regulator implementation that will throw an error if used
1 - WYE_WYE - Wye connected regulator implementation
2 - OPEN_DELTA_ABBC - Open delta connected regulator with CA open - Note: Unimplemented at this time
3 - OPEN_DELTA_BCAC - Open delta connected regulator with AB open - Note: Unimplemented at this time
4 - OPEN_DELTA_CABA - Open delta connected regulator with BC open - Note: Unimplemented at this time
5 - CLOSED_DELTA - Closed delta connected regulator implementation - Note: Unimplemented at this time
band_center double Volts Center point of the voltage level desired.
band_width double Volts Allowed range for the voltage to vary before a change is implemented. Centered around band_center, so limits are at band_center - band_width/2 and band_center + band_width/2.
time_delay double seconds Amount of time from a change request to the physical changing of the tap position on the regulator. Represents mechanical delays in the regulator.
dwell_time double seconds Amount of time a change must be consistently requested before enacted upon. Represents a transient filter or additional hysteresis implementation to prevent excessive tap changes due to transient spikes.
raise_taps int16 N/A Upper limit of tap positions allowed in the regulator.
lower_taps int16 N/A Lower limit of tap positions allowed in the regulator. Note: This value is represented as a magnitude value. The actual lower limit of the tap positions is assumed to be -lower_taps.
current_transducer_ratio double per-unit Turns ratio for current transducer for the line-drop compensator control method.
power_transducer_ratio double per-unit Turns ratio for the power transducer for the line-drop compensator control method.
compensator_r_setting_A double Volts Compensator resistive value for phase A.
compensator_r_setting_B double Volts Compensator resistive value for phase B.
compensator_r_setting_C double Volts Compensator resistive value for phase C.
compensator_x_setting_A double Volts Compensator reactive value for phase A.
compensator_x_setting_B double Volts Compensator reactive value for phase B.
compensator_x_setting_C double Volts Compensator reactive value for phase C.
CT_phase set N/A Current transducer connection phase. Valid keywords are
  • A - Phase A current transducer
  • B - Phase B current transducer
  • C - Phase C current transducer

Note: This function is not implemented at this time.

PT_phase set N/A Power transducer connection phase. Valid keywords are
  • A - Phase A power transducer
  • B - Phase B power transducer
  • C - Phase C power transducer

Note: This function is not implemented at this time.

regulation double N/A Indicates range of voltage adjustment possible (i.e., per tap change ratio equals regulation / raise taps, or regulation of 0.1 indicates 10% rise in voltage at maximum tap position)
Control enumeration N/A Defines the control scheme the regulator will use to operate. Valid keywords are:
  • MANUAL - Manual control mode. User specifies all tap changes.
  • OUTPUT_VOLTAGE - Output node of the regulator's voltage is examined. Tap changes are performed based on band_center and band_width.
  • LINE_DROP_COMP - Line drop compensator control mode. Utilizes compensator information in addition to band_center and band_width to determine tap changes.
  • REMOTE_NODE - Voltage of a remote node (specified by sense_node in the regulator object) in the system is examined. Tap changes are performed based on band_center and band_width.
control_level enumeration N/A Defines how automatic controls influence the tap settings of the regulator. Valid keywords are:
  • INDIVIDUAL - Each phase is controlled individually.
  • BANK - All phases are controlled identically. Using the PT_phase property, the regulator determines any control actions and applies it to all phases identically.
Type enumeration N/A Type of step-voltage regulator implemented. Valid keywords are:
  • A - Type A step-voltage regulator
  • B - Type B step-voltage regulator
tap_pos_A int16 N/A Initial tap position for phase A. If left empty, the regulator will take a best guess at the initial tap position.
tap_pos_B int16 N/A Initial tap position for phase B. If left empty, the regulator will take a best guess at the initial tap position.
tap_pos_C int16 N/A Initial tap position for phase C. If left empty, the regulator will take a best guess at the initial tap position.

Regulator Configuration State of Development

Regulator Configuration is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future. Additional configurations, controls, and/or losses may be included as needed.


Capacitors are used for reactive power compensation and voltage support scenarios. The capacitor implements a switchable set of capacitors. capacitor objects are one of two objects in the powerflow module that incorporate a form of automatic control. To take full advantage of this functionality, simulations of greater than one time step (time-varying simulations) are recommended. Single-phase powerflow connections (phase S) are not supported by capacitors at this time. A typical capacitor implementation is

object capacitor {
	phases ABCN;
	name CapNode;
	phases_connected ABCD;
	control MANUAL;
	capacitor_A 0.5 MVAr;
	capacitor_B 0.5 MVAr;
	capacitor_C 0.5 MVAr;
	control_level INDIVIDUAL;
	switchA OPEN;
	switchB OPEN;
	switchC CLOSED;
	nominal_voltage 7200;

Capacitor Parameters

capacitor objects are derived from node objects, so any parameters of the node object are available as well.

Property Name Type Unit Description
pt_phase set N/A Determines the participating phases. These are the phases the various control schemes will monitor to determine their actions. Follows the same conventions as the overall phases property in powerflow.
phases_connected set N/A Connection of the capacitors. This allows for delta-connected capacitors on a wye-connected system and vice versa. Follows the same conventions as the overall phases property. If left empty or undefined, defaults to the phases property of the capacitor.
switchA enumeration N/A Status of the switch that enables or disables the capacitor attached to phase A if wye-connected or AB if delta-connected.
switchB enumeration N/A Status of the switch that enables or disables the capacitor attached to phase B if wye-connected or BC if delta-connected.
switchC enumeration N/A Status of the switch that enables or disables the capacitor attached to phase C if wye-connected or CA if delta-connected.
cap_A_switch_count int16 N/A Hold of the number of times the switch has changed (OPEN to CLOSED, CLOSED to OPEN) on phase A if wye-connected or AB if delta-connected.
cap_B_switch_count int16 N/A Hold of the number of times the switch has changed (OPEN to CLOSED, CLOSED to OPEN) on phase B if wye-connected or BC if delta-connected.
cap_C_switch_count int16 N/A Hold of the number of times the switch has changed (OPEN to CLOSED, CLOSED to OPEN) on phase C if wye-connected or CA if delta-connected.
control enumeration N/A Defines the control scheme the capacitor will utilize to perform switching operations. Valid control mode keywords are
  • MANUAL - Capacitor switching is controlled manually through switchA, switchB, and switchC.
  • VAR - VAR controlled mode. A remote line needs to be specified in remote_sense or remote_sense_B that will have its reactive power checked against VAr_set_high and VAr_set_low.
  • VOLT - Voltage controlled mode. The capacitor node itself or a node specified by remote_sense or remote_sense_B has its voltage checked against voltage_set_high and voltage_set_low.
  • VARVOLT - Combination control scheme. Has two modes. If voltage_set_low is specified, performs control similar to VOLT first, and then VAR second. If voltage_set_low is unspecified or set to zero, operates in VAR mode primarily. However, voltage_set_high is monitored and will switch the capacitors off and lock them out if exceeded (voltage safety).
voltage_set_high double Volts High setpoint for voltage-based capacitor switching operations. This setpoint will turn the capacitors off.
voltage_set_low double Volts Low setpoint for voltage-based capacitor switching operations. This setpoint will turn the capacitors on.
VAr_set_high double Volt-Amperes reactive High setpoint for VAr-based capacitor switching operations. This setpoint will turn the capacitors on.
VAr_set_low double Volt-Amperes reactive Low setpoint for VAr-based capacitor switching operations. This setpoint will turn the capacitors off.
capacitor_A double Volt-Amperes reactive Capacitor size information for capacitor connected to phase A in a wye connection or on phase AB in a delta connection.
capacitor_B double Volt-Amperes reactive Capacitor size information for capacitor connected to phase B in a wye connection or on phase BC in a delta connection.
capacitor_C double Volt-Amperes reactive Capacitor size information for capacitor connected to phase C in a wye connection or on phase CA in a delta connection.
cap_nominal_voltage double Volts Capacitor rated nominal voltage. Used for situations when nominal_voltage doesn't match the rated voltage or if a line-to-line voltage is specified when the capacitors are on a wye-connected system. If left blank, defaults to the nominal_voltage specified.
time_delay double seconds Time delay before any capacitor switching operation takes place. Represents mechanical switching delays.
dwell_time double seconds Time period a switching operation must be consistently requested before any switching operation is attempted. Serves as a transient filter or additional hysteresis to prevent transient events from causing excessive capacitor switching.
lockout_time double seconds Time period a capacitor will lock out switching operations after voltage_set_high is exceeded in the VARVOLT control method.
remote_sense object N/A Remote node or link object for VOLT, VAR, or VARVOLT control schemes. If a node object is specified, the remote voltage is read. If link object is specified, the reactive power is read.
remote_sense_B object N/A Remote node or link object for VOLT, VAR, or VARVOLT control schemes. If a node object is specified, the remote voltage is read. If link object is specified, the reactive power is read. Under the VARVOLT control scheme, this must be the opposite of the type specified in remote_sense.
control_level enumeration N/A Specifies how the switching action occurs for all phases of the capacitor. Valid keywords are
  • BANK - All capacitors are switched based on the control scheme and pt_phase property.
  • INDIVIDUAL - Capacitors are switched individually based on the control scheme and pt_phase property.

Capacitor State of Development

Capacitor is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models may be developed to include more advanced features in the future. Additional configurations and controls may be included as needed.


Fuse objects are used to place a current limitation between two nodes. If the current is exceeded, the fuse will open and prevent further current flow. Due to limitations in the Forward-Back Sweep algorithm, fuses only affect the first downstream node. If other loads exist downstream, they will cause an oscillatory voltage swing that has no real representation. reliability module functionality only exists in the Newton-Raphson solver at this time. A minimalist fuse could be implemented as

object fuse {
	 phases "ABC";
	 name node1-node2;
	 from node1;
	 to node2;

A typical fuse object would be implemented, with the same parameters as above, as

object fuse {
 	phases "ABC";
 	name node1-node2;
 	from node1;
 	to node2;
 	current_limit 9999.0 A;
 	mean_replacement_time 3600.0;
	repair_dist_type NONE;

Fuse Parameters

fuse objects are derived from link objects, so all of those properties are available.

Property Name Type Unit Description
current_limit double Amperes Current rating for the fuse. If exceeded, the particular phase will go to an open circuit condition.
mean_replacement_time double seconds Mean time to replace the fuse if blown. This could represent a travel requirement (remote location) or scarcity requirement (shipping time for parts). This value overrides any value specified in mean_repair_time for the link object itself.
phase_A_status enumeration N/A Status of the fuse on phase A (only valid if phase A is in the phases property). Two keywords are valid:
  • GOOD - The fuse on phase A is still conducting and has not exceeded its current limit.
  • BLOWN - The fuse on phase A has exceeded its current limit and is no longer conducting.
phase_B_status enumeration N/A Status of the fuse on phase B (only valid if phase B is in the phases property). Two keywords are valid:
  • GOOD - The fuse on phase B is still conducting and has not exceeded its current limit.
  • BLOWN - The fuse on phase B has exceeded its current limit and is no longer conducting.
phase_C_status enumeration N/A Status of the fuse on phase C (only valid if phase C is in the phases property). Two keywords are valid:
  • GOOD - The fuse on phase C is still conducting and has not exceeded its current limit.
  • BLOWN - The fuse on phase C has exceeded its current limit and is no longer conducting.
repair_dist_type enumeration N/A Distribution to be used after a fuse has blow to restore it. Current valid settings are:
  • NONE - No distribution is used and the value in mean_replacement_time is taken directly.
  • EXPONENTIAL - An exponential distribution is used with mean_replacement_time taken as one over the lambda value.

Fuse State of Development

Fuse is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions. Reliability functionality has been tested and validated, but is not fully vetted and may change as advanced functionality is included.


Switch objects are used to change topology and add or remove elements from a powerflow system. When a switch is opened, no current flow is permitted and the downstream objects will be effectively removed from the system. A typical switch implementation is

object switch {
	name switch1;
	phases ABCN;
	from node_250;
	to node_243;
	status CLOSED;

Switch Parameters

Switch objects are derived from link objects and share all of those available parameters. switch objects have additional parameters of

Property Name Type Unit Description
phase_A_state enumeration N/A Status of the phase A portion of the switch. Valid states are:
  • OPEN - switch is open and no current can flow
  • CLOSED - switch is closed and conducting
phase_B_state enumeration N/A Status of the phase B portion of the switch. Valid states are:
  • OPEN - switch is open and no current can flow
  • CLOSED - switch is closed and conducting
phase_C_state enumeration N/A Status of the phase C portion of the switch. Valid states are:
  • OPEN - switch is open and no current can flow
  • CLOSED - switch is closed and conducting
operating_mode enumeration N/A Switching operations governing criterion. Two settings are available:
  • INDIVIDUAL - each phase of the switch object is controlled individually.
  • BANKED - all valid phases of the switch object are controlled together. A voting scheme of valid phases is used to determine this. For example, if a switch has phases A, B, and C with only phase C closed, phase A and B will override it and open phase A.

Switch State of Development

Switch is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of powerflow solutions, however, models incorporating fault analysis, reliability, and other advanced features have not been validated.


recloser objects are a special type of switch that open at the detection of a fault condition and will close if the fault condition is removed or isolated within a certain period of time. The time is typically determined by the number of closing tries and the time between tries. recloser objects work with both the FBS and NR solver methods, but their reliability functionality only works with the NR method. A typical recloser implementation is

object recloser {
    name recloser_2;
    phases "ABCN";
    from node_2a;
    to node_2b;
    retry_time 1s;
    max_number_of_tries 3;

Recloser objects inherit for switch and therefore share all parameters belonging to both switch and link. recloser objects are exercised only by the reliability module at this time.

Recloser Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
retry_time double seconds The time to wait in seconds before trying to close after a fault condition is detected. This parameter is unused at this time and is put in place for future functionality.
maximum_number_of_tries double unitless the maximum number of times the recloser tries to close and fails before it permanently opens.
number_of_tries double unitless number of tries a recloser has been actuated in the current fault condition.

Recloser State of Development

Recloser is considered a validated model in terms of powerflow solutions and reliability integration. However, testing has been limited and feature additions may still be necessary.


Relays are used to provide momentary breaks in the system and are implemented as reclosers. A relay object only functions in on a basic level and does not provide any reliability-module-functionality at this time. It is untested in the NR solver and a recloser object is suggested instead. A typical relay would be implemented as

object relay {
	name recloser_A;
	phases ABCN;
	from node_1;
	to load_5;
	time_to_change 1.0s;
	recloser_delays 5.0s;
	recloser_tries 5;

Relay Parameters

relay objects are derived from link objects, so all of those parameters should be available.

Property Name Type Unit Description
time_to_change double seconds Time to physically change out or reset the relay/recloser after it has locked out. Note: This feature is unimplemented at this time.
recloser_delay double seconds Time from a trip before the recloser will attempt to close the circuit again.
recloser_tries int16 N/A Number of reclosing attempts before the recloser object will lock in the open position.

Relay State of Development

Relay is considered a well developed and validated model in terms of FBS-based powerflow solutions, however, models incorporating fault analysis, reliability, and other advanced features have not been validated.


Substations were used to connect distribution powerflow in the powerflow module with PowerWorld through the network module. The substation object converts the sequence voltage provided by the network module to three-phase swing bus voltage for the unbalanced three-phase powerflow solution. The substation object also passes the unbalanced three-phase powerflow solution to back to the network module as an single power value representing the average load on all three phases of the swing bus. Furthermore, the substation object sets which phase is the reference phase for the distribution powerflow. A typical substation implementation is

object substation {
	name SubS;
	bustype SWING;
        parent network_node;
        phase ABCN;
	nominal_voltage 7199.558;

In order to properly connect the substation object to the network module, the substation object's parent must be a pw_load object.

Substation Parameters

The substation object is derived from the node object in the powerflow module. As a result, all parameters of that object are definable as well.

Property Name Type Unit Description
positive_sequence_voltage complex Volts The positive sequence voltage given from a PowerWorld bus model or a user specified value.
reference_phase enumeration None The phase that will be used as the reference angle for the powerflow solution.
  • PHASE_A(Default)
transmission_level_constant_power_load complex Volt-Amperes The positive-sequence constant power load to be posted directly to the pw_load object (powerflow solver does not handle this, it is explicitly converted and posted to PowerWorld's solver).
transmission_level_constant_impedance_load complex Ohms The positive-sequence constant impedance load to be posted directly to the pw_load object (powerflow solver does not handle this, it is explicitly converted and posted to PowerWorld's solver).
transmission_level_constant_current_load complex Amperes the positive-sequence constant current load to be posted directly to the pw_load object (powerflow solver does not handle this, it is explicitly converted and posted to PowerWorld's solver).
average_distribution_load complex Volt-Amperes The average of the loads on all three phases at the substation object.
distribution_power_A complex Volt-Amperes The measured power of the attached powerflow on phase A.
distribution_power_B complex Volts-Amperes The measured power of the attached powerflow on phase B.
distribution_power_C complex Volts-Amperes The measured power of the attached powerflow on phase C.

Substation State of Development

The only transmission powerflow software that substation currently works with is PowerWorld. Please note that the specific the transmission current and impedance loads are converted to complex power values first and then posted to the proper properties(load_current and load_impedance) in the pw_load object. The average_transmission_power_load value must be added to the average_distribution_load before posting to pw_load(load_power).

Substation's three phase voltages are determined differently dependent upon three scenarios. If there is a pw_load object attached to the substation object, then the three phase voltages are determined by the sequence voltage value read from the pw_load object. The three phase voltages are determined by the positive_sequence_voltage property if there is a player object populating that property in the absence of a pw_load object. In the absence of a player object and a pw_load object, the three phase voltages are determined by user input or the substation object's powerflow parent just like any node object. If there is no pw_load connected to the substation then the substation doesn't post the average_distribution_load, average_transmission_current_load, average_transmission_impedance_load, and average_transmission_power_load properties.

Parametric Load

Parametric loads provide a load-like object that allows the load to vary based on other conditions in the system. This may be things such as weather conditions or even time-of-day scheduling. Further details on parametric loads can be found in the Industrial and agricultural loads page. A typical parametric load would be called as

object pqload {
	name pqload1;
	phases ABC;
	Zp 200 ohm;
	Zq_T 250 F;
	Im 300;
	Ia 45;
	Pp 100;
	Pp_T 3;
	Pq_T 1;
	nominal_voltage 2400;

Parametric Load Parameters

The pqload object is directly derived from the load object and thus derived from the node object as well. As such, parameters of those two objects are also available for use, but most load parameters will probably be overwritten.

Property Name Type Unit Description
weather object N/A Link to the climate object used in for parameters of the load.
T_nominal double Fahrenheit Nominal temperature Note: Unused at this time
Zp_T double Ohm/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how resistive impedance varies for temperature.
Zp_H double Ohm Coefficient for how resistive impedance varies with humidity.
Zp_S double Ohm-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how resistive impedance varies with solar gains.
Zp_W double Ohm-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how resistive impedance varies with wind speed.
Zp_R double Ohm-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how resistive impedance varies with rain fall.
Zp double Ohm Baseline, unvarying resistive impedance value.
Zq_T double Farad/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how reactive impedance varies for temperature.
Zq_H double Farad Coefficient for how reactive impedance varies with humidity.
Zq_S double Farad-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how reactive impedance varies with solar gains.
Zq_W double Farad-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how reactive impedance varies with wind speed.
Zq_R double Farad-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how reactive impedance varies with rain fall.
Zq double Farads Baseline, unvarying reactive impedance value.
Im_T double Ampere/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how current magnitude varies for temperature.
Im_H double Ampere Coefficient for how current magnitude varies with humidity.
Im_S double Ampere-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how current magnitude varies with solar gains.
Im_W double Ampere-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how current magnitude varies with wind speed.
Im_R double Ampere-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how current magnitude varies with rain fall.
Im double Ampere Baseline, unvarying current magnitude value.
Ia_T double degrees/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how current angle varies for temperature.
Ia_H double degrees Coefficient for how current angle varies with humidity.
Ia_S double degree-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how current angle varies with solar gains.
Ia_W double degree-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how current angle varies with wind speed.
Ia_R double degree-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how current angle varies with rain fall.
Ia double degrees Baseline, unvarying current angle value.
Pp_T double Watts/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how resistive power varies for temperature.
Pp_H double Watts Coefficient for how resistive power varies with humidity.
Pp_S double Watt-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how resistive power varies with solar gains.
Pp_W double Watt-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how resistive power varies with wind speed.
Pp_R double Watt-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how resistive power varies with rain fall.
Pp double Watts Baseline, unvarying resistive power value.
Pq_T double Volt-Amperes reactive/degree Fahrenheit Coefficient of how reactive power varies for temperature.
Pq_H double Volt-Amperes reactive Coefficient for how reactive power varies with humidity.
Pq_S double Volt-Amperes reactive-Hour/BTU Coefficient for how reactive power varies with solar gains.
Pq_W double Volt-Amperes reactive-Hour/Mile Coefficient for how reactive power varies with wind speed.
Pq_R double Volt-Amperes reactive-Hour/Inch Coefficient for how reactive power varies with rain fall.
Pq double Volt-Amperes reactive Baseline, unvarying reactive power value.
input_temp double degrees Fahrenheit Observed temperature. (read-only)
input_humid double Percentage Observed humidity. (read-only)
input_solar double BTU/hour Observed solar gains. (read-only)
input_wind double Miles/hour Observed wind speed. (read-only)
input_rain double inches/hour Observed rainfall. (read-only)
output_imped_p double Ohms Observed load resistive impedance value. (read-only)
output_imped_q double Ohms Observed load reactive impedance value. (read-only)
output_current_m double Amperes Observed load current magnitude value. (read-only)
output_current_a double degrees Observed load current angular value. (read-only)
output_power_p double Watts Observed load resistive power value. (read-only)
output_power_q double Volt-Amperes Observed load reactive power value. (read-only)
output_impedance complex Ohms Observed load combined impedance value. (read-only)
output_current complex Amperes Observed load combined current value. (read-only)
output_power complex Volt-Amperes Observed load combined power value. (read-only)

PQ Load State of Development

PQ Load is considered an experimental model and has not been validated at this time.

Volt-VAr Control

With multiple feeders attached to a common point, it is often useful to coordinate the voltage regulators and capacitors on the system. The volt_var_control object coordinates selected regulator and capacitor objects on the system. Using voltage measurements at node object points, the volt_var_control tries to maintain a desired voltage. In addition to voltage measurements, the volt_var_control utilizes a power measurement at a link object to determine how to switch various capacitor objects on the system in and out of service. Due to differences in the timing of power calculations in the Forward-Back Sweep and Newton-Raphson powerflow solvers, capacitors may switch at slightly different intervals for the same system. The overall control behaves the same in both solver methods, but this difference in capacitor timing may result in different final operating points. A typical Volt-VAr Controller implementation is

object volt_var_control {
	name IVVC37;
	control_method ACTIVE;
	capacitor_delay 10.0;
	regulator_delay 5.0;
	desired_pf 0.98;
	d_max 0.8;
	d_min 0.1;
	substation_link "SubTransNode-799";
	regulator_list "reg799-781,regnode799-U0081";
	capacitor_list "CapNode_A,CapNode_B";
	voltage_measurements "load829,1,load841,1,load825,1,U0029,2,U0041,2,U0025,2";
	minimum_voltages 2500.0;
	maximum_voltages 3000.0;
	desired_voltages 2600.0;

Many of the parameters on the Volt-VAr Controller can be left unspecified. When unspecified, default values or criteria are enacted. A minimalist implemenation would look similar to

object volt_var_control {
	name IVVC37;
	regulator_list "reg799-781,regnode799-U0081";
	capacitor_list "CapNode_A,CapNode_B";

Volt-VAr Control Parameters

The volt_var_control object only derives properties from general powerflow module sets. It may share similar names to node and link parameters, but it is not a subclass of either of these objects.

Property Name Type Unit Description
control_method enumeration N/A Defines the control scheme the volt_var_control object is currently operating in. There are two modes currently supported:
  • STANDBY - The volt_var_control is inactive and all regulator and capacitor control is handled by their local definitions.
  • ACTIVE - The volt_var_control is actively adjusting the regulators of interest, as well as coordinating capacitor insertions and removals. This is the default state.
capacitor_delay double seconds Default delay for any capacitors under the volt_var_control object's control. If a delay is not explicitly defined in the capacitor's local properties, this value will be used as the time delay for all switching operations. Defaults to 5.0 seconds.
regulator_delay double seconds Default delay for any regulators under the volt_var_control object's control. If a delay is not explicityly defined in the regulator_configuration object association with the regulator, this value will be used as the time delay in all tap-changing operations. Defaults to 5.0 seconds.
desired_pf double N/A Desired power-factor for the system to try and achieve. Used for setting threshold values for switching capacitors in and out of the system. The power factor is determined at the substation_link object. Defaults to 0.98.
d_max double N/A Scaling constant for switching the capacitors on as a ratio of their size to the required reactive power correction. Typically between 0.3 and 0.6. It must not overlap with d_min, and a larger spread between the two values helps prevent capacitor switching oscillations. Defaults to 0.6.
d_min double N/A Scaling constant for switching the capacitors off as a ratio of their size and the required reactive power correction. Typically between 0.1 and 0.4. It must not overlap with d_max. As with d_max, a larger spread between d_min and d_max will help prevent capacitor switching oscillations. Defaults to 0.3.
substation_link object N/A Defines the link to extract power information from for power factor correction. This object must be of the main-type link. Typically, this will be attached to a subtransmission-level transformer object to monitor reactive power for the entire network. If unpopulated, this defaults to monitoring the power through the first regulator specified in regulator_list.
pf_phase set N/A Defines the phases of substation_link to monitor and accumulate for the power factor calculations. pf_phase can be any combination of PHASE_A, PHASE_B, or PHASE_C. If left blank, pf_phase will default to the phases of the substation_link object.
regulator_list char1024 Regulator objects (implied) List of regulators for the volt_var_control object to control. The list is a comma-separated object name for each regulator for which control is desired. No trailing comma is required. One regulator would be specified as regulator_list reg799781;, while three would be

regulator_list reg799781,reg981,reg01;.

capacitor_list char1024 Capacitor objects (implied) List of capacitors for the volt_var_control object to control. This list is also comma-separated, like the regulator_list. If no capacitors are specified, no reactive adjustments are performed. All capacitors are operated in banked mode by the volt_var_control object. The listed capacitors are sorted by size and distance for switching operations. An example capacitor list is

capacitor_list CapA,CapB,CapC.

voltage_measurements char1024 Objects (implied) List of end-of-line measurements for the volt_var_control to use in regulator control. This list is comma-separated, like the capacitor_list and regulator_list. If left blank, the measurement point defaults to load side of each regulator in regulator_list. The list can take two formats, depending on the number of regulators:
  • One regulator - The list is a comma-separated list of just the object names. No regulator designation is necessary, since only one regulator is present. An example is
measurement_list NodeA,NodeB,NodeC,NodeD;.
  • One or more regulators - The list is a comma-separated list of object names, and their associated regulator. All measurements must be represented as a pair in the list. The first item is the object name, and the second item is the regulator position in the regulator_list variable. For example,
measurement_list NodeA,1,NodeC,2,NodeB,1; will assign NodeA and NodeB to regulator 1, and NodeC to regulator 2. Notice these can occur in any regulator order, as long as the second portion of the data pair is the regulator number.
minimum_voltages char1024 Volts (implied) List of minimum voltages for the volt_var_control object to maintain. If only 1 value is specified, this value will be used for all regulators in regulator_list. A value can be specified for each regulator as a comma-separated list. For example, to specify two minimum voltage levels for two different regulators, use minimum_voltages 2600,2500;. If left blank, the minimimum voltage is set at 0.95 p.u. of the regulator's TO node nominal_voltage.
maximum_voltages char1024 Volts (implied) List of maximum voltages for the volt_var_control object to maintain. If only 1 value is specified, this value will be used for all regulators in regulator_list. A value can be specified for each regulator as a comma-separated list. For example, to specify two maximum voltage levels for two different regulators, use maximum_voltages 4500,4400;. If left blank, the maximimum voltage is set at 1.05 p.u. of the regulator's TO node nominal_voltage.
desired_voltages char1024 Volts (implied) List of desired, or target voltages for the volt_var_control object to maintain. If only 1 value is specified, this value will be used for all regulators in regulator_list. A value can be specified for each regulator as a comma-separated list. For example, to specify two desired voltage levels for two different regulators, use desired_voltages 4500,4400;. If left blank, the desired voltage is set at the regulator's TO node nominal_voltage.
max_vdrop char1024 Volts (implied) List of voltage drop thresholds for high or low loading operation (selection of high_load_deadband or low_load_deadband for a regulator). If the voltage drop between the regulator and the lowest end-of-line measurement is greater than max_vdrop, the corresponding high_load_deadband is used. Otherwise, the corresponding low_load_deadband is used. max_vdrop can be a comma-separated list of values for each regulator of regulator_list. if only one value is specified, that value will be used for all regulators. If left blank, max_vdrop defaults to 1.5x the corresponding regulator object's step up tap voltage value.
high_load_deadband char1024 Volts (implied) List of tap-changing bandwidth thresholds for high loading operation (as determined by max_vdrop). high_load_deadband represents a +/- high_load_deadband deadband around the desired voltage before a tap change is requested on the regulator. This can be specified for each regulator as a comma-separated list. If a single value is specified, that value will be used on all regulators in the regulator_list. If unspecified, high_load_deadband defaults to the voltage value associated with a single tap change on the regulator.
low_load_deadband char1024 Volts (implied) List of tap-changing bandwidth thresholds for low loading operation (as determined by max_vdrop). low_load_deadband represents a +/- low_load_deadband deadband around the desired voltage before a tap change is requested on the regulator. This can be specified for each regulator as a comma-separated list. If a single value is specified, that value will be used on all regulators in the regulator_list. If unspecified, low_load_deadband defaults to the voltage value associated with a two tap change on the regulator (2x the default of high_load_deadband).

VoltVar Control State of Development

VoltVar Control is considered a well developed model, but has not been fully validated at this time. Advanced features and additional controls may be added as needed.

Volt Dump

This object allows the user to collect all of the voltages in the system into one *.csv file at a given run time. Voltages are placed in the *.csv output file with format

node_name, voltA_real, voltA_imag, voltB_real, voltB_imag, voltC_real, voltC_imag,
node_1, 7200, 0, -3600, -6235.4, -3600, 6235.4
node_2, 2400, 0, -1200, -2078.5, -1200, 2078.5

Default Volt Dump

The minimal amount of code to specify a voltdump object is

object voltdump {
       filename output_voltage.csv;

which will produce an output file of the given name in the format shown above, and will display the voltage of every node in the glm file.

Volt Dump Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
filename char32 N/A Tells the object what file to print all information to. While a *.csv is not necessary, it is recommended as the formatted output is in *.csv format.
group char32 N/A Using the group_id feature, this allows only nodes with the matching group_id to be dumped into the output file.
runtime timestamp N/A Tells the object at what time to output the voltages of the system. Can be in either seconds from epoch (Unix time) or with a timestamp ('2006-01-01 00:00:00'). If not specified, the default is immediately after the first time step solution.
mode enumeration N/A Allows the user to choose between polar and rectangular coordinates when printing output. Valid choices are
  • rect rectangular coordinates
  • polar polar coordinates (default - in radians)

Volt Dump State of Development

Volt Dump is considered a well developed, but unvalidated model. Additional features may be included as needed.

Current Dump

This object allows the user to collect all of the currents in the system into one *.csv file at a given run time. In all cases, this is the current flowing INTO the link object (as defined by the to/from convention). Currents are placed in the *.csv output file with format:

link_name, currA_real, currA_imag, currB_real, currB_imag, currC_real, currC_imag,
In rectangular
link_1, 10, 0, -5, -8.66, -5, 8.66
Or in polar (radians)
link_2, 20, 0, 20, -2.0944, 20, 2.0944

Default Current Dump

The minimal amount of code to specify a currdump object is

object currdump {
       filename output_current.csv;

which will produce an output file of the given name in the format shown above, and will display the current of every link object in the glm file.

Current Dump Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
filename char32 N/A Tells the object what file to print all information to. While a *.csv is not necessary, it is recommended as the formatted output is in *.csv format.
group char32 N/A Using the group_id feature, this allows only nodes with the matching group_id to be dumped into the output file.
runtime timestamp N/A Tells the object at what time to output the currents of the system. Can be in either seconds from epoch (Unix time) or with a timestamp ('2006-01-01 00:00:00'). If not specified, the default is immediately after the first time step solution.
mode enumeration N/A Allows the user to choose between polar and rectangular coordinates when printing output. Valid choices are
  • rect rectangular coordinates (default)
  • polar polar coordinates (in radians)

Current Dump State of Development

Current Dump is considered a well developed, but unvalidated model. Additional features may be included as needed.

Impedance Dump

Impedance dump allow the impedance and line equation matrices to be output into an XML file for debugging or further use.

See the impedance_dump page for information on the assumed equations, which are from "Distribution System Modeling and Analysis" by William Kersting.

Default Impedance Dump

The minimal specifications for impedance_dump are

object impedance_dump {
	filename impedance_output.xml;

Like other "dump" objects in powerflow, additional parameters can be added to describe when to run (runtime) and for only link objects with a specific groupid:

object impedance_dump {
    group "class=overhead_line";
    runtime '2020-12-11 01:00:00';
    filename impedance_output.xml;

Impedance Dump Parameters

Property Name Type Description
filename char256 Tells the object what file to print all information to. The file will be an XML-formatted text file.
group char32 Using the groupid feature, specific objects to be included in the output file. If left blank, all link-based objects will be part of the output file.
runtime timestamp Tells the object at what time to output the impedance dump. Can be in either seconds from epoch (Unix time) or with a timestamp ('2006-01-01 00:00:00'). If not specified, the default is immediately after the first time step solution.
runcount int32 Indicates the number of times the impedance dump has executed. See the main impedance_dump page for further information.

Impedance Dump State of Development

Impedance Dump is considered a well developed, but unvalidated model. Additional features may be included as needed.

Bill Dump

Similar to voltdump, billdump allows users to generate a single file where all customers' bills are written from triplex_meter to a single output file in a similar format

meter_name, previous_monthly_bill, previous_monthly_energy
triplex_meter_1, 154.30 ($), 1205 (kWh)
triplex_meter_2, 105.10 ($), 821 (kWh)

Default Bill Dump

The minimal specifications for billdump are

object billdump {
       filename bill_1.csv;

where the previous month's energy and bill for all triplex meters within the system will be placed into bill_1.csv. Additional parameters can be added to describe when to run (runtime) and for only meters with a specific groupid:

object billdump {
    group "Residential_tm_solar";
    runtime '2012-04-01 01:00:00';
    filename residential_solar_bill.csv;

Bill Dump Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
filename char32 N/A Tells the object what file to print all information to. While a *.csv is not necessary, it is recommended as the formatted output is in *.csv format.
group char32 N/A Using the groupid feature, this allows only triplex meters with the matching groupid to be dumped into the output file. If this is not specified, every triplex meter in the system will be recorded.
runtime timestamp N/A Tells the object at what time to output the bills of the system. Can be in either seconds from epoch (Unix time) or with a timestamp ('2006-01-01 00:00:00'). If not specified, the default is immediately after the first time step solution.

Bill Dump State of Development

Bill Dump is considered a well developed, but unvalidated model. Additional features may be included as needed.

Fault Check

The fault_check object performs "support/islanding checks" on objects inside the powerflow module. Its primary purpose is to determine if a particular node or link is still in service after a reconfiguration or fault event. fault_check is set up to operate as an independent topology checking object, but does have ties to the reliability module and the restoration object's functionality. The fault_check object only works with the NR solver_method at this time. Other solvers may be incorporated at a later date. A typical fault_check object would be implemented as

object fault_check {
	name fault_check_obj;
	check_mode ONCHANGE;
	output_filename outage_check.txt;

As with other objects, not all of the parameters need to be specified. A minimal implementation would be similar to

object fault_check {
	name fault_check_obj;

Fault Check Parameters

The fault_check object only derives the base powerflow module properties. However, these powerflow-based properties are not needed and are omitted from the list below.

Property Name Type Unit Description
check_mode enumeration N/A Defines the fault checking scheme utilized. Valid entries are
  • SINGLE - Fault checks and voltage support checks are only performed once, before the first solver pass of the NR solver.
  • ONCHANGE - Fault checks and voltage support checks are performed any time an admittance change is flagged on the NR solver.
  • ALL - Fault checks and voltage support checks are performed on every iteration
  • SINGLE_DEBUG - Fault checks and voltage support checks are only done once, at the very beginning of the simulation. This mode will terminate the simulation after doing the initial fault check. This mode also bypasses several "critical errors" that would ordinarily terminate the simulation immediately, to allow for debugging the topology better (e.g., an islanded single node).
  • SWITCHING - Special variant of ONCHANGE used with manipulation of switch objects and external interfaces. May be deprecated in the future.
output_filename char1024 N/A File name for the text file of support check status values. Will output the bus number, phase information, and island association (if relevant) at each timestamp the fault_check object runs. If full_output_file is set, this will include both supported and unsupported node lists.
reliability_mode bool N/A Boolean flag to indicate if the fault_check object is running in a reliability-module-based mode. Reliability will toggle this mode and it is only provided for user information, it is not a specifiable property.
eventgen_object object N/A Object link to an eventgen object in the reliability module. This object will be used to implement any "unscheduled" faults, such as switch openings or fuses blowing. Without this object specified, such objects will still open or trip, but may result in an unsolvable system matrix and prematurely terminate the simulation.
strictly_radial bool N/A Boolean flag to indicate which topology checking algorithm to use. Defaults to true, indicating a radial system is represented. If set true, line from/to fields are explicitly utilized. If set to false, a algorithm supporting meshed topologies and arbitrary from/to designations is supported. Note: the meshed topology check is more exhaustive and slower, hence the option for when feeders are known to 100% be radial.
full_output_file bool N/A Boolean flag to toggle what gets written to output_filename. Defaults to false, which will only output unsupported nodes in the output. If set to true, it will provide a list of unsupported and supported nodes. Useful with grid_association to see what island a node is associated.
grid_association bool N/A Boolean flag to indicate if the island association checking is performed. This option must be enabled in multiple islands or multiple independent SWING node scenarios. If false, only the "primary SWING" node will be checked for topology continuity -- all other SWING-type nodes will be ignored and removed from service (if not connected to the primary SWING topology). When enabled, overrides strictly_radial to false.

Fault Check State of Development

The fault_check object has been rigorously tested for topology checking and islanding operations and is considered well-developed and validated on that functionality. The original implementation was developed in conjunction with the reliability module and the restoration object. That functionality has been tested and is considered validated, but rigorous testing has not been conducted and additional features may be added at a future date.


In Development.

Motor Parameters

In Development.

Motor State of Development

In Development.


As the powerflow module interacts with the reliability module, portions of the system may become isolated. The restoration object attempts to do feeder reconfiguration to close the isolated sections back into the system. The restoration object requires reliability or some reliability-like actions to function properly, as well as the fault_check object. The restoration object only works with the NR solver method at this time.

A restoration object can be implemented as:

object restoration {
	name RestorVal;
	reconfig_attempts 3;
	reconfig_iteration_limit 5;
	populate_tree TRUE;

Restoration Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
reconfig_attempts double Tries Number of reconfiguration attempts a system will perform before giving up and determining the system can not be fully restored at that condition.
reconfig_interation_limit double count Number of powerflow iterations a particular reconfiguration can try before failing. Used to prevent infinite iterating by the solver.
populate_tree boolean N/A Flag to populate the tree structure of the feeder. Used for the algorithm implmeented to increase reconfiguration iterations and attempts. Should be set to TRUE whenever reconfiguration is used.

Restoration State of Development

The restoration object is considered highly experimental at this time.

Series Reactor

The series reactor is a link object designed to model a series reactance on each of the three phases.

object series_reactor {
       from node1;
       to node2;
       phases ABC;
       phase_A_impedance 1+1j;
       phase_B_resistance 2;
       phase_C_reactance 3;

Series Reactor Parameters

Property Name Type Unit Description
phase_A_impedance double Ohm Series impedance on phase A.
phase_A_resistance double Ohm Series resistance on phase A. Maps directly into phase_A_impedance, but allows user to specify real portion separately.
phase_A_impedance double Ohm Series reactance on phase A. Maps directly into phase_A_impedance, but allows user to specify reactive portion separately.
phase_B_impedance double Ohm Series impedance on phase B.
phase_B_resistance double Ohm Series resistance on phase B. Maps directly into phase_B_impedance, but allows user to specify real portion separately.
phase_B_impedance double Ohm Series reactance on phase B. Maps directly into phase_B_impedance, but allows user to specify reactive portion separately.
phase_C_impedance double Ohm Series impedance on phase C.
phase_C_resistance double Ohm Series resistance on phase C. Maps directly into phase_C_impedance, but allows user to specify real portion separately.
phase_C_impedance double Ohm Series reactance on phase C. Maps directly into phase_C_impedance, but allows user to specify reactive portion separately.
rated_current_limit double Amps Rated current limit for the reactor. Not used at this time.

Series Reactor State of Development

Series reactor has been tested, but not fully validated.


sectionalizer objects provide a means to isolate faulted portions of a system. sectionalizer objects work in conjuction with the reliability module and the recloser objects. reliability will automatically open a sectionalizer if an upstream recloser is present, and has "tries" available. sectionalizer objects should work for both solver methods, but the reliability functionality only works in the NR solver.

A minimal sectionalizer implementation is:

object sectionalizer {
	name Test_Section;
	phases ABC;

with an equivalent representation of:

object sectionalizer {
	name Test_Section;
	phases ABC;
	phase_A_state CLOSED;
	phase_B_state CLOSED;
	phase_C_state CLOSED;
	operating_mode BANKED;

sectionalizer objects behave exactly like switch objects, aside from their reliability coordination. sectionalizer objects inherit all switch properties and default to a banked operation mode. No new parameters are introduced in sectionalizers.

Sectionalizer State of Development

sectionalizer objects are based on switch objects and share a common state of development. NOrmal operation is tested and verified. reliability-based actions are validated, but not fully tested at this time.

Power Metrics

The power_metrics object is used by the reliability module to calculate relevant powerflow metrics. The power_metrics object calculates the IEEE 1366-2003 metrics for evaluating the reliability indices of a power system.

A minimalist power_metrics implementation is

object power_metrics {
	name PwrMetrics;

with an equivalent of

object power_metrics {
	name PwrMetrics;
	base_time_value 60.0;

power_metrics objects are primarily output objects.

Power Metrics Parameters

power_metrics objects do not inherit properties from any module. Individual metrics are described in the reliability user's guide and in the IEEE 1366-2003 standard.

Property Name Type Unit Description
SAIDI double Customer interruption duration over total customers served The simulation-long computed value of the System Average Interruption Duration Index
SAIDI_int double Customer interruption duration over total customers served The interval-long computed value of the System Average Interruption Duration Index. The interval is defined by the base_time_Value property.
SAIFI double Customers interrupted over customers served The simulation-long computed value of the System Average Interruption Frequency Index
SAIFI_int double Customers interrupted over customers served The interval-long computed value of the System Average Interruption Frequency Index. The interval is defined by the base_time_Value property.
ASAI double Customer hours availability over customer hours demand The simulation-long computed value of the Average Service Availability Index.
ASAI_int double Customer hours availability over customer hours demand The interval-long computed value of the Average Service Availability Index. The interval is defined by the base_time_Value property.
CAIDI double Customer interruption duration over total customer interrupted The simulation-long computed value of the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index.
CAIDI_int double Customer interruption duration over total customer interrupted The interval-long computed value of the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. The interval is defined by the base_time_Value property.
MAIFI double Customer momentary interruptions over total customers served The simulation-long computed value of the Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index
MAIFI_int double Customer momentary interruptions over total customers served The interval-long computed value of the Momentary Average Interruption Frequency Index. The interval is defined by the base_time_Value property.
base_time_value double seconds Interval duration for IEEE 1366-2003 statistics to be computed. This information is the basis for any time calculations. For example, the interruption duration for a CAIDI calculation can be interruptions per hour, interruptions per minute, or any other time base. base_time_value dictates this base for the calculations. The value defaults to 1 minute.

Power Metrics State of Development

The power_metrics object is tested and validated with the reliability module. However, it has not been fully validated and is considered experimental at this time.


In Development.

Emissions Parameters

In Development.

Emissions State of Development

In Development.

See also
