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 TODO:  This page needs to be completed.

Range - Residential Range (explicit model)


class range {
	parent residential_enduse;
	class residential_enduse {
		loadshape shape;
		enduse load; // the enduse load description
		complex energy[kVAh]; // the total energy consumed since the last meter reading
		complex power[kVA]; // the total power consumption of the load
		complex peak_demand[kVA]; // the peak power consumption since the last meter reading
		double heatgain[Btu/h]; // the heat transferred from the enduse to the parent
		double cumulative_heatgain[Btu]; // the cumulative heatgain from the enduse to the parent
		double heatgain_fraction[pu]; // the fraction of the heat that goes to the parent
		double current_fraction[pu]; // the fraction of total power that is constant current
		double impedance_fraction[pu]; // the fraction of total power that is constant impedance
		double power_fraction[pu]; // the fraction of the total power that is constant power
		double power_factor; // the power factor of the load
		complex constant_power[kVA]; // the constant power portion of the total load
		complex constant_current[kVA]; // the constant current portion of the total load
		complex constant_admittance[kVA]; // the constant admittance portion of the total load
		double voltage_factor[pu]; // the voltage change factor
		double breaker_amps[A]; // the rated breaker amperage
		set {IS220=1, IS110=0} configuration; // the load configuration options
		enumeration {OFF=2, ON=1, NORMAL=0} override;
		enumeration {UNKNOWN=2, ON=1, OFF=0} power_state;
 	double oven_volume[gal]; // the volume of the oven
	double oven_UA[Btu/degF*h]; // the UA of the oven (surface area divided by R-value)
	double oven_diameter[ft]; // the diameter of the oven
	double oven_demand[gpm]; // the hot food take out from the oven
	double heating_element_capacity[kW]; // the power of the heating element
	double inlet_food_temperature[degF]; // the inlet temperature of the food
	enumeration {GASHEAT=1, ELECTRIC=0} heat_mode; // the energy source for heating the oven
	enumeration {GARAGE=1, INSIDE=0} location; // whether the range is inside or outside
	double oven_setpoint[degF]; // the temperature around which the oven will heat its contents
	double thermostat_deadband[degF]; // the degree to heat the food in the oven, when needed
	double temperature[degF]; // the outlet temperature of the oven
	double height[ft]; // the height of the oven
	double food_density; // food density
	double specificheat_food;
	double queue_cooktop[unit]; // number of loads accumulated
	double queue_oven[unit]; // number of loads accumulated
	double queue_min[unit];
	double queue_max[unit];
	double time_cooktop_operation;
	double time_cooktop_setting;
	double cooktop_run_prob;
	double oven_run_prob;
	double cooktop_coil_setting_1[kW];
	double cooktop_coil_setting_2[kW];
	double cooktop_coil_setting_3[kW];
	double total_power_oven[kW];
	double total_power_cooktop[kW];
	double total_power_range[kW];
	double demand_cooktop[unit/day]; // number of loads accumulating daily
	double demand_oven[unit/day]; // number of loads accumulating daily
	double stall_voltage[V];
	double start_voltage[V];
	complex stall_impedance[Ohm];
	double trip_delay[s];
	double reset_delay[s];
	double time_oven_operation[s];
	double time_oven_setting[s];
	enumeration {CT_TRIPPED=6, CT_STALLED=5, STAGE_8_ONLY=4, STAGE_7_ONLY=3, STAGE_6_ONLY=2, CT_STOPPED=1} state_cooktop;
	double cooktop_energy_baseline[kWh];
	double cooktop_energy_used;
	double Toff;
	double Ton;
	double cooktop_interval_setting_1[s];
	double cooktop_interval_setting_2[s];
	double cooktop_interval_setting_3[s];
	double cooktop_energy_needed[kWh];
	bool heat_needed;
	bool oven_check;
	bool remainon;
	bool cooktop_check;
	double actual_load[kW]; // the actual load based on the current voltage across the coils
	double previous_load[kW]; // the actual load based on current voltage stored for use in controllers
	complex actual_power[kVA]; // the actual power based on the current voltage across the coils
	double is_range_on; // simple logic output to determine state of range (1-on, 0-off)

See also