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 SPECIFICATION  Approval item: 


This specification page outlines the formatting for array input data (GLM-based) for NEV objects, as well as the internal common programming structure. Input changes will require implementation of new functionality for interpreting GLM inputs. Note that the NEV solver methods and inputs will be exclusive to a Newton-Raphson solver implementation. While the Forward-Backward Sweep method could also be used for NEV solutions, it is not planned to be implemented at this time.

GLM Array Inputs

GLM-file inputs will need to support specifying which phase various connections will support. The multiple input arguments needed for the different phases and "generic" nature of the NEV implementation will be handled using a format similar to the Double_array specification, but outlined in further detail on the NEV Array Page. Below is the proposed implementation of what a load object with Wye-specified voltages and a delta-connected, constant impedance load could look like:

 object load {
 	terminals "1,2,3";
 	voltage "2400.0+0.0d,1,0; 2400.0-120.0d,2,0; 2400.0+120.0d,3,0";
 	constant_impedance "2500+1200j,1,2; 2500+1200j,2,3; 2500+1200j,3,1";
 	nominal_voltage 2400.0;

Note that terminals, voltage, and constant_impedance utilize the syntax of array and input specification of NEV Array Page, which is expected to be the method for incorporating NEV-related data for all powerflow objects. The details of these individual fields are covered on the Node specification page. This merely serves as an example of the array-like input structure. Specific field formats are discussed on their appropriate parent class (node and link) pages.

Powerflow Data Structure

Inside the source code, all interfacing to the NEV solver will be done through a common data structure. The structure will follow a form similar to the version 3.1 and earlier Newton-Raphson structure and will be divided into two main structures: a node/bus structure and a link/branch structure. Sparse matrix operations will store the data in the Y_NEV structure defined in Table 1.

Table 1 - Sparse Matrix Storage Structure - Y_NEV
Property C/C++ Type Definition
matrix_association int Matrix designator for this entry (islands)
row_ind unsigned int Row location of sparse matrix element
col_ind unsigned int Column location of sparse matrix element
Y_value double Value of sparse matrix element

Node/bus Structure

The elements of the node/bus structures are defined in Table 2. Node data will be formed in a structure typed NEVbusdata. Bolded items are internal working variables for the TCIM-Newton-Raphson method [1], but will be allocated within the node and link objects themselves.

Table 2 - NEV Node/bus Program Data Structure - NEVbusdata
Property C/C++ Type Definition
name char * Pointer to name field of node object.
obj OBJECT * Pointer to object header of node object.
bustype char Type of bus for powerflow handling. 0=PQ, 1=PV, 2=SWING
status_flags unsigned int Bit-masked flag variable for miscellaneous information that needs to be passed to powerflow (TBD).
terminals unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for terminals (phases) included on this node. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
original_terminals unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for original terminals (phases) included on this node. Used as a comparison point for reliability/reconfiguration-related items. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
voltage complex * Pointer to complex array within node object where voltages are stored.
Link_Table int* Pointer to integer array that tracks link objects electrically connected to this node. This will include child-connected link objects. Entries refer to the corresponding index of the NEVbranchdata structure.
Link_Table_Size unsigned int Integer count of number of connected link objects in the Link_Table entry.
max_volt_error double Value of maximum voltage error allowed (convergence criterion)
dynamics_enabled bool * Pointer to deltamode indicator for node object to determine if special dynamics code needs to be enacted.
Y_matrix_self complex * Pointer to complex self-admittance matrix of this particular node. Expected size is the number of terminals squared (terminal count by terminal count square matrix).
matrix_association int Index of associated matrix in the solver. Utilized by the solver for implementing multiple islands in the same GLM.
matrix_index unsigned int Starting index of this object's place in all matrices
matrix_size unsigned char Base size of the "self" portion of this node object's matrix entries. Should coincide with a count of active terminals on the system.
Y_update_fxn void * Pointer to admittance update function for this particular node object. See details below. Defaults to NULL if no solver-level updates are required.
V_update_fxn void * Pointer to voltage update function for this particular node object. See details below. Defaults to NULL if no solver-level updates are required, which implies it is independent of the interconnected powerflow.

Update Functions

In an effort to compartmentalize the NEV code, two update functions will be performed to move key updating aspects from the central solver code to the individual objects. This will help with data compartmentalization and parallelization of the code. Two specific function sets will be utilized for these updates. Y_update_fxn will perform any admittance-related updates and V_update_fxn will perform the voltage updates associated with the powerflow iteration process. Further details will be in the node specification and the NEV solver specification.

Y_update_fxn will perform "admittance-level, intermediate solution" updates, including those that typically happen on a per-iteration basis. e.g., A, B, C, and D Jacobian matrix updates of [1] will be performed via a function call from the central solver. The function will be a simple Boolean return (pass/fail) that will update the "changing admittance" (Y_matrix_update) portion at every solution pass.

V_update_fxn will perform the voltage updates for each intermediate solution of the powerflow. As with the previous admittance-level changes, this will perform the voltage updates to node/bus voltages at each iteration. This will return a simple character value indicating a pass, fail, or error state. This will be utilized to indicate if convergence was reached or not, or if some other issue occurred. This function will also call any DELTAMODE-related checks of the SWING initialization routine.

Link/branch structure

The elements of the link/branch structures are defined in Table 3. Link data will be formed in a structure typed NEVbranchdata. Bolded items are internal working variables for the TCIM-Newton-Raphson method [1], but will be allocated within the node and link objects themselves.

Table 3 - NEV Link/bus Program Data Structure - NEVbranchdata
Property C/C++ Type Definition
name char * Pointer to name field of link object.
obj OBJECT * Pointer to object header of link object.
terminals_from unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for terminals (phases) that are connected on the "from" side of the link. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
original_terminals_from unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for original terminals (phases) that are connected on the "from" side of the link. Used as a comparison point for reliability/reconfiguration-related items. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
terminals_to unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for terminals (phases) that are connected on the "to" side of the link. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
original_terminals_to unsigned int64 Bit-masked variable for original terminals (phases) that are connected on the "to" side of the link. Used as a comparison point for reliability/reconfiguration-related items. Each bit position represents a unique phase.
status enumeration * Pointer to enumeration status variable of link object
link_type enumeration * Pointer to enumeration of type-variable of link object. e.g., OH/UG line, transformer, etc. -- Used for reliability.
from int Index to entry of NEVbusdata that corresponds to the "from" node object of this link.
to int Index to entry of NEVbusdata that corresponds to the "to" node object of this link.
fault_current_from complex * Pointer to complex array of calculated fault current at the "from" side of the link object. Used by reliability.
fault_current_to complex * Pointer to complex array of calculated fault current at the "to" side of the link object. Used by reliability.
fault_link_below int Index to entry of NEVbranchdata that was responsible for a fault this link object currently "sees". Used by reliability.

It is useful to note that many of the above variable references are pointers to the original node and link data variables. If multiple powerflow solutions are required, such as in forecasting or scenario-based problems, values for these components will need to be saved as well.

Data population

Many of the elements of the data structure are utilized by the underlying NEV solver, but will be populated by the individual base object types. Details will be included in the individual object specifications.


  1. Garcia, P, J.L. Pereira, S. Carneiro Jr., V. da Costa, and N. Martins, "Three-Phase Power Flow Calculations Using the Current Injection Method," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, May 2000, pp. 508-514.

See also