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 Approval item:   TECHNICAL MANUAL

Initialization - Model initialization

Before Hassayampa (Version 3.0)

The following initialization process is implemented in exec.c/init_all():

set all clock to TS_INIT 
if initialize all instances fails return error
if initialize all loadshapes fails return error
for each object
  if initialize object fails return error
  if object must be named and is not named return error
end for

The following initialization process is implemented in object.c/object_init():

if initialize the object fails, then return error
The object clock remains set to the initial clock value 0 until the first call to sync, at which time sync uses the object clock value to determine whether any late initialization will take place.

As of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)

Object creation set the OF_INIT flag.

The following initialization process is implemented in exec.c/init_all():

set the global clock to the start time
if initialize all instances fails, then return error
if initialize all loadshapes fails, then return error
if initialize all objects fails, then return error
return ok

The process to initialize all objects is implemented in object.c/object_initall():

when initialization sequence is creation
  for each object
    if initialize object fails, then return error
or when initialization sequence is deferred or auto
  add all objects to initialization list
  do until initialization list empty
    for each object in initialization list
      if initialize object fails, then return error
      else if initialize object ok, then remove object from initialization list
    end for
  end do
or when initialization sequence is topdown or bottom up
  add all objects to initialization list
  do until initialization list empty
    for each rank in initialization sequence
      for each object in initialization list
        if initialize object fails, then return error
        else if initialize object ok, then remove object from initialization list
      end for
    end for
  end do
end when

The process to initialize an object is implemented in object.c/object_init():

lock the object
set the object clock to start time
if the object is not named but the class requires it be named, then return error
if initialization sequence is creation or auto, then
  if the object's parent clock is not set and the PC_NODEFERRAL flag is not set, then return deferred
  if any of the object's properties are objects that are not initialized and the property's PF_DEFER is the same as the class's PC_NODEFERRAL flag, then return deferred
if initialize the object fails, then return error
clear the OF_INIT flag
unlock the object
return success
The object clock value is set to the start time during object initialization. As a result, synchronization functions may no longer implement late initialization. The requirement for late initialization is preempted by the use of deferred initialization and all objects that employed late initialization prior to Hassayampa (Version 3.0) should be upgraded to use deferred initialization instead.

See also