From GridLAB-D Wiki
(Redirected from Command line arguments)
The command-line argument processing module processes arguments as they are encountered.
Note: some modules can process command arguments as well. Those options are not listed here.
Command-line options
- -W|--workdir path Template:NEW30
- Sets the working directory for the remainder of the run.
- --quiet | -q
- Toggles display all messages except error and fatal messages.
- --verbose | -v
- Toggles display of verbose messages. Verbose messages can be useful in understanding why certain error or warning occur.
- --warn | -w
- Toggles display of warning messages. Warning messages relate to problems that might affect results.
- --debug
- Toggles display of debug messages. Debugging messages are highly detailed messages about the internal state of the simulation.
- --debugger
- Enables the debugger and turns on debug messages.
- --dumpall
- Enables a complete model dump when the simulation exits.
- --output file | -o file
- Directs model output to the specified file.
- --profile
- Enables performance profiling of the model and displays profile output when the simulation exits.
- --check
- Enables calls to module check functions before the simulation starts. This can be used to detect models errors, but not all modules support such check functions. See --libinfo for details on module functions.
Global and module control
- --define name=value | -D name=value
- Defines a global variable
- --globals
- Displays the global variables and their values
- --libinfo module | -L module
- Displays information about a module, including API version, classes defined, functions implemented and global variables.
- --version | -V
- Displays the full version/build number.
- --license
- Displays the software license.
- --copyright
- Displays the copyright.
Test processes
- --dsttest
- Performs a daylight saving time definitions in tzinfo.txt
- --endusetest
- Performs a test of the end-use pseudo-objects
- --globaldump
- Perform a global dump of the system and immediately exits.
- --loadshapetest
- Performs a test of the loadshape pseudo-objects
- --locktest
- Performs memory locking test
- --modtest module
- Performs the module self-test for the specified module
- --randtest
- Performs a test of the random number generators
- --scheduletest
- Performs a test of the schedule pseudo-objects
- --test
- Perform all the internal core self-test routines
- --testall file
- Performs module selftests of modules those listed in a file.
- --unitstest
- Performs a test of the units in unitfile.txt
- --validate
- Perform model validation check Template:NEW30
File and I/O Formatting
- --xmlencoding num
- Sets the XML encoding (8, 16, or 32)
- --xmlstrict
- Toggles XML to be strict, which is needed for compliance with certain XML loaders.
- --stream
- Enables streaming I/O (binary I/O instead of GLM/XML)
- --xsd module[:object]
- Prints the XSD of a module or object.
- --xsl modulelist
- Creates the XSL for the modules listed.
- --kml=file
- Output the KML (Google Earth) file of model (only supported by some modules).
- --example module:class Template:NEW30
- Output an example of GLM code that will create a object of class given from the module given (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).
- --help | -h
- Command line help.
- --info keyword Template:NEW30
- Open a browser and searches these Wiki docs for the keyword given. Spaces may be entered as underscores in keywords (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).
- --modhelp module[:class]
- Output the GLM definition of class from module. All the classes from the specified module will be listed in alphabetical order if no class is given.
Process control
- --threadcount n| -T n
- Changes the number of threads to use during simulation (0 means as many as useful, default is 1)
- --clearmap DEPRECATED
- --pclear Template:NEW30
- Clears the processor map of defunct processes (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
- --pcontrol Template:NEW30
- Enter interactive process control (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
- --pkill n Template:NEW30
- Kills job n in the process map (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
- --pstatus Template:NEW30
- Displays the processor status (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
System options
- --checkversion
- Perform online version check to see if any updates are available (as of 3.0).
- --compile
- Enables compile-only mode (the GLM file is loaded but the simulation does not start)
- --relax
- Allows implicit variable definition when assignments made
- --pause
- Enable pause at exit (waits for user input before exiting)
- --bothstdout
- Sends all output to stdout
- --check | -c
- Run global checks of models (only supported by some modules)
- --avlbalance
- Controls automatic balancing of object index
- --output file | -o file
- Saves dump output to file (default is gridlabd.glm)
- --environment app | -e app
- Starts the app as the processing environment (default is batch). Recognized environments are matlab, html, gui, and X11. All but batch are experimental or under development.
Server mode
- --pidfile[=filename]
- Creates a process id file while GridLAB-D is running (default is Note: this is only supported in POSIX platforms.
- --redirect stream[:file]
- Redirects output stream to file (or null). Valid streams are output, error, warning, debug, verbose, profile, progress, none and all.
- --server
- Runs in server mode (uses pidfile and redirects all output)
- --server_portnum n | -P n
- Sets the server port number (default is 6267)
Job control
- --job Template:NEW30
- Runs all the GLM files found in the current folder as a single job (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).