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The command-line argument processing module processes arguments as they are encountered.

Note: some modules can process command arguments as well. Those options are not listed here.

Command-line options

-W|--workdir path Template:NEW30
Sets the working directory for the remainder of the run.
--quiet | -q
Toggles display all messages except error and fatal messages.
--verbose | -v
Toggles display of verbose messages. Verbose messages can be useful in understanding why certain error or warning occur.
--warn | -w
Toggles display of warning messages. Warning messages relate to problems that might affect results.
Toggles display of debug messages. Debugging messages are highly detailed messages about the internal state of the simulation.
Enables the debugger and turns on debug messages.
Enables a complete model dump when the simulation exits.
--output file | -o file
Directs model output to the specified file.
Enables performance profiling of the model and displays profile output when the simulation exits.
Enables calls to module check functions before the simulation starts. This can be used to detect models errors, but not all modules support such check functions. See --libinfo for details on module functions.

Global and module control

--define name=value | -D name=value
Defines a global variable
Displays the global variables and their values
--libinfo module | -L module
Displays information about a module, including API version, classes defined, functions implemented and global variables.


--version | -V
Displays the full version/build number.
Displays the software license.
Displays the copyright.

Test processes

Performs a daylight saving time definitions in tzinfo.txt
Performs a test of the end-use pseudo-objects
Perform a global dump of the system and immediately exits.
Performs a test of the loadshape pseudo-objects
Performs memory locking test
--modtest module
Performs the module self-test for the specified module
Performs a test of the random number generators
Performs a test of the schedule pseudo-objects
Perform all the internal core self-test routines
--testall file
Performs module selftests of modules those listed in a file.
Performs a test of the units in unitfile.txt
Perform model validation check Template:NEW30

File and I/O Formatting

--xmlencoding num
Sets the XML encoding (8, 16, or 32)
Toggles XML to be strict, which is needed for compliance with certain XML loaders.
Enables streaming I/O (binary I/O instead of GLM/XML)
--xsd module[:object]
Prints the XSD of a module or object.
--xsl modulelist
Creates the XSL for the modules listed.
Output the KML (Google Earth) file of model (only supported by some modules).


--example module:class Template:NEW30
Output an example of GLM code that will create a object of class given from the module given (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).
--help | -h
Command line help.
--info keyword Template:NEW30
Open a browser and searches these Wiki docs for the keyword given. Spaces may be entered as underscores in keywords (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).
--modhelp module[:class]
Output the GLM definition of class from module. All the classes from the specified module will be listed in alphabetical order if no class is given.

Process control

--threadcount n| -T n
Changes the number of threads to use during simulation (0 means as many as useful, default is 1)
--clearmap  DEPRECATED 
--pclear Template:NEW30
Clears the processor map of defunct processes (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
--pcontrol Template:NEW30
Enter interactive process control (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
--pkill n Template:NEW30
Kills job n in the process map (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))
--pstatus Template:NEW30
Displays the processor status (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0))

System options

Perform online version check to see if any updates are available (as of 3.0).
Enables compile-only mode (the GLM file is loaded but the simulation does not start)
Allows implicit variable definition when assignments made
Enable pause at exit (waits for user input before exiting)
Sends all output to stdout
--check | -c
Run global checks of models (only supported by some modules)
Controls automatic balancing of object index
--output file | -o file
Saves dump output to file (default is gridlabd.glm)
--environment app | -e app
Starts the app as the processing environment (default is batch). Recognized environments are matlab, html, gui, and X11. All but batch are experimental or under development.

Server mode

Creates a process id file while GridLAB-D is running (default is Note: this is only supported in POSIX platforms.
--redirect stream[:file]
Redirects output stream to file (or null). Valid streams are output, error, warning, debug, verbose, profile, progress, none and all.
Runs in server mode (uses pidfile and redirects all output)
--server_portnum n | -P n
Sets the server port number (default is 6267)

Job control

--job Template:NEW30
Runs all the GLM files found in the current folder as a single job (as of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)).