Last updated: 2012-10-03
GridLAB-D Association
The US Department of Energy's Office of Electricity has authorized Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to form an association of parties interested in the development and user of GridLAB-D. The purpose of the association is the provide funding and oversight to the development and support of future versions of GridLAB-D.
Please contact the GridLAB-D Project Team for more information.
GridLAB-D Classes
As of October 1, 2012 training will be offered online on a roughly monthly basis. Please watch the class schedule page for the schedule of upcoming web classes.
Current stable release
Navajo (Version 4.3) is the current stable release. See GridLAB-D Downloads for details.
Next Release Candidate
Ostrander (Version 5.0) is the next release candidate. See GridLAB-D Downloads for details.
Next Version
Ostrander (Version 5.0) is the next version of GridLAB-D. See Help:Contents#Actions items for details.