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Template:NEW30 This How To describe how to create a plot using Matlab®'s hist command.

System requirements

Hassayampa (Version 3.0)
You must be using a version of GridLAB-D that support the link directive.
Matlab link
You must have a version of Matlab that supports the Matlab external interface engine and the hist command.

Suppose you have a GLM file named my_plot.glm that defines a trivial object test as follows:

clock {
  starttime '2001-01-01 0:00:00';
  stoptime '2001-01-02 0:00:00';
class test {
  random x;
object test {
  name my_test;
  x "type:normal(0,1); refresh:1min; integrate";

Step 1 - Link GLM to Matlab using a link control file

Add the link directive to your GLM file:


Step 2 - Create the link control file

Create the link control file using the following commands

target matlab
workdir hist
window show
output 100000
export my_test.x x
on_init q=zeros(1000,1); n=1; ans=GLD_OK;
on_sync if(n<1000) q(n)=x; ans=TS_NEVER;
on_term hist(q); saveas(gcf,'q.png'); ans=GLD_OK;

Step 3 - Run GridLAB-D

C:\GridLAB-D> gridlabd my_plot.glm
... perhaps some output is displayed

Step 4 - View the PNG file

Open a file explorer, go the hist folder, and double-click on the PNG file.

See also