From GridLAB-D Wiki
Lugo (Version 4.1) is a minor upgrade of GridLAB-D planned for October 2018. Changes and improvements in Lugo were focused primarily on the deltamode transient analysis (microgrids) and FNCS/HELICS integration, with several minor features and fixes incorporated.
New Capabilities
- FNCS and HELICS interfaces incorporated
- Several bug fixes and improvements to the interfaces
- Includes deltamode capabilities with FNCS/HELICS
- MySQL module
- Improved writing mechanism to reduce overhead
- Several usage fixes
- Generator module
- Cleaned up several deprecated objects that had no functionality
- Inverter has had significant improvements to its functionality
- Deltamode improvements for better transient simulations
- Ability to operate as a voltage source inverter and be grid forming
- Operate in either isochronous or droop mode
- Droop controller for f/P and V/Q in grid following implementations
- Ramping limits to reflect power electronics slew limitations
- Ability to operate as a voltage source inverter and be grid forming
- Improvements to the inverter IEEE 1547 and IEEE 1547a functionality
- New Volt/Watt mode
- Deltamode improvements for better transient simulations
- Diesel generator has had improvements to its functionality
- Simplified steady state model to remove inaccurate model
- Simple overload checking incorporated
- Deltamode improvements for better transient simulations
- Added convergence limits for voltage to help control deltamode simulation intervals
- Simplified set point variables for frequency, voltage, real power, and reactive power dispatch outputs
- Implemented new control modes for resiliency analysis
- Constant reactive power dispatch mode
- Constant real power dispatch mode
- CVR method for transient reduction, per this paper
- Simplified fuel use and emissions calculations
- Deltamode improvements for better transient simulations
- Powerflow module
- Fixes for tape-shielded cables
- Multiple islands supported, including the ability for an island to "fail" and not terminate the simulation
- Tiered-TOU pricing fixed for triplex_meter
- Induction motor models
- Single-phase and three-phase implementation
- Deltamode support
- Simple protection schemes (thermal trip and under-voltage contactor)
- AMI-like fields for meter and triplex_meter
- fault_check incorporated SINGLE_DEBUG to help track down feeder topology problems
- Deltamode capability improvements
- Capacitor objects now can update in deltamode
- Regulator objects now can update in deltamode
- Separate integration method selections for series vs. shunt impedance and in-rush calculations
- Improved GFA functionality in node-type objects
- Tape module
- Deltamode support for group_recorder
- New object - metrics_collector
- Build/Support
- Migration to MSYS2-based environment for Windows compiling
- Updated incorporated superLU MT version to 3.1
- Updates to build numbering to better reflect GitHub hash system
- Migration of several objects to GLD API
- Tickets (tickets relating specifically to the development of this version)