From GridLAB-D Wiki
GridLAB-D implements classes and solvers in modules. Modules can be either prebuilt and delivered as a dll, so, or dylib (depending on your computer platform and operating system), or they can be encoded directly in a GLM file as a runtime class.
The currently supported modules are
- Climate : contains weather data and reads TMY2 files
- Market : provides wholesale market simulation and responsive appliance controllers
- Powerflow: simulates the distribution level power grid models
- Residential : models a single-family home and various home appliances
- Reliability: runs one-off reliability analysis on Powerflow models
The currently unsupported modules are
- Generator: DG models act as a load on the system.
- Commercial: models office buildings
- Communications: models communications networks
- GLJava: provides JNI interface for loading modules written in Java
- Matlab: provides a Matlab interface for defining classes in Matlab. This is superseded by the [Matlab link] core function.
- MatPower: solves optimal power flow using the MATPOWER solver
- Network: models balanced electric networks
- PLC: models programmable logic controllers
The following modules provide debugging and I/O functions
- Assert: contains objects that are used in test modules by breaking the simulation if observed values deviate from expected values.
- Tape: object boundary condition I/O module