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mysql - MySQL module Template:NEW30


module mysql {
  hostname "localhost";
  username "gridlabd";
  password "";
  schema "gridlabd";
  port 3306;
  socketname "/tmp/mysql.sock";


The mysql module implements the principal tape module classes recorder, player, and collector in a property-compatible manner. For details on the functionality of these classes, see the tape module. The main difference between the tape implementation and the mysql implementation is that these classes can refer to a database connection if there is more than one connection in the GLM file.


The default server to use for a connection. See database hostname for details.


The default username to use for a connection. See database username for details.


The default password to use for a connection. See database password for details.


The default schema to use for a connection. See database schema for details.


The default port to use for a connection. See database port for details.


The default socket name to use for a connection. See database socketname for details.


The default client flags to use for a connection. See database clientflags for details.


Implements a connection to a MySQL server. There must be at least one defined in a model in order to use the recorder, player, or collector objects.
Implements a property recorder using the specified (or last) database connection.
Implements a property player using the specified (or last) database connection.
Implements a property aggregate collector using the specified (or last) database connection.


If you are using your local host as the MySQL server, you must install MySQL Server. After you have set up the server, you should create the user gridlabd and grant that user permission to create databases if you intend to use the default connection parameters.

Windows Systems
You must include the MySQL client library in the PATH environment variable.
Linux/MacOSX Systems
You must include the MySQL client library in the (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Although it is not required, use of the MySQL Workbench is highly recommended to facilitate managing and reviewing the results from GridLAB-D's mysql module.


On Windows 7 it is a common problem that GridLAB-D cannot find libmysql.dll when the module mysql directive is parsed in a GLM file, regardless of the PATH environment variable. The only solution seems to be to include the MySQL Connector library folder in GLPATH or to copy the file libmysql.dll to the GridLAB-D library folder.


The mysql module was introduced in Hassayampa (Version 3.0).

See also