What is the Open Modeling Framework (OMF)?
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Cooperative Research Network (CRN) is developing a state-of-the-art, online platform for analyzing the cost-to-benefits of new grid technologies. The Open Modeling Framework (OMF) will allow hundreds of industry cooperatives to access advanced analysis capabilities available within GridLAB-D, and other advanced power system models. The OMF provides users with an easy-to-use interface to access the power of the GridLAB-D engine, adding interactive visual interfaces and run management capabilities. Users can use a web interface to evaluate the technical benefits and cost of implementation of new technologies on their own distribution circuits. The interface is designed to quickly screen system components and assess their effectiveness prior to deployment.
This serves as documentation for the scripts created for the OMF that are based around GridLAB-D. Further information about the OMF can be found at the OMF Git Repository or in a related brochure (page 1 and page 2).
Traditionally, distribution level powerflow studies have used available physical infrastructure information, such as line lengths, transformer types, conductor sizes, and peak load characteristics to produce a model of the system during peak load conditions. These models often contain large amounts of detail from the substation to the primary side of the secondary transformer, but are often lacking information about the secondary transformer or the cabling to the residence, and never include information beyond the meter. Loads are typically represented as constant loads, or simple time-varying scheduled loads. These traditional load flow models provide valuable information to engineers on protection schemes, minimum voltage conditions during peak load, upgrade schedules, and more, but provide little about annual operation or the effects of emerging smart grid technologies. The models created in GridLAB-D attempt to fill in these gaps by providing quasi-steady state solutions over seasonal to annual time periods, while also modeling the end-use loads and the effects that controls have on them. This document describes the process developed and assumptions made for converting standardized load flow models into GridLAB-D models which contain the information necessary for studying advanced smart grid applications
Overall Process
@TODO - Add flowchart description.
OMF Conversion Process - Converting utility models from native formats to GridLAB-D formats.
OMF Population Process - Replacing static loads with more complex load models and additional technologies.
OMF Calibration - Constructing "calibrated" models by modifying the generated loads to match circuit-level load flow.
OMF Weather Extractor - Create GridLAB-D formatted weather files via TMY2 and Weather Underground .