From GridLAB-D Wiki
Provides objects and solvers needed to calculate steady state and quasi-steady electric system performance.
module powerflow; module powerflow { acceleration_factor 1.4; default_maximum_voltage_error 1e-6 V; fault_impedance 1e-6+0d Ohm; geographic_degree 0.0; line_capacitance FALSE; lu_solver ""; maximum_voltage_error 1e-6 V; nominal_frequency 60.0 Hz; NR_iteration_limit 500; NR_superLU_procs 1; primary_voltage_ratio 60.0 pu; require_voltage_control FALSE; show_matrix_values FALSE; solver_method FBS; warning_underfrequency 55.0 Hz; warning_overfrequency 65.0 Hz; warning_undervoltage 0.8 pu; warning_overvoltage 1.2 pu; warning_voltageangle 2.0 deg; }
- billdump – Billing data dump on meter objects at specified times.
- currdump – Current data dump on link object at specified times.
- powerflow_library – Abstract class for objects the only contain data but don't synchronize.
- emissions – Emissions library object
- line_configuration – Line configuration library object
- line_spacing – Link spacing library object
- overhead_line_conductor – Overhead conductor library object
- power_metrics – Reliability metrics container
- regulator_configuration – Regulator configuration library object
- restoration – Restoration control library object
- transformer_configuration – Transformer configuration library object
- triplex_line_configuration – Triplex line configuration library object
- underground_line_conductor – Underground line conductor configuration library object
- powerflow_object – Abstract class for object the are included in the flow solution
- fault_check – Fault identification object for reliability analysis
- frequency_gen – Frequency generation object
- link – Abstract link (branch) object.
- fuse – Fusable link object.
- line – Generic line object
- overhead_line – Overhead line object
- triplex_line – Triplex line object
- underground_line – Underground line object
- regulator – Voltage regulator object
- relay – Relay object
- series_reactor – Series reactor object
- switch_object – Generic switch object
- recloser – Recloser object
- sectionalizer – Sectionalizer object
- transformer – Transformer object
- node – Generic node (bus) object.
- capacitor – Capacity object
- load – Generic load object
- pqload – PQ load object
- meter – Meter object
- motor – Motor object
- substation – Substation object
- triplex_node – Triplex node object
- triplex_meter – Triplex meter object
- volt_var_control – Volt-var controller object
- voltdump – Volt data dump on node objects at specified times
- acceleration_factor (double) specifies the GS method acceleration factor (default is 1.4).
- default_maximum_voltage_error (double) specifies the default voltage convergence limit (default is 10-6 puV).
- fault_impedance (complex) specifies the fault impedance (default is 10-6<0).
- geographic_degree (double) specifies the topological degree factor (default is 0.0).
- line_capacitance (bool specifies whether to use line capacitance quantities (default is FALSE).
- lu_solver (char256) specifies the filename for external LU solver (default is "").
- maximum_voltage_error (double) specifies the default voltage convergence limit for synchronization events (default is 10-6 pu).
- nominal_frequency (double) is the nominal AC frequency (default is 60.0 Hz).
- NR_iteration_limit (int64) specifies the maximum number of iteration during a single NR solution (default is 500).
- NR_superLU_procs (int32) specifies the number of processors to use for multithreaded NR solutions (default is 1).
- primary_voltage_ratio (double) is the primary voltage ratio for link and node voltage calcs (default is 60.0 pu).
- require_voltage_control (bool) enable voltage control source requirement (default is FALSE).
- show_matrix_values (bool) enables dumping of matrix calculations as they occur (default is FALSE).
- solver_method (enumeration {FBS,GS,NR}) specifies the solver method to use (default is FBS).
- warning_underfrequency (double) specifies the frequency below which a warning is posted (default is 55.0 Hz)
- warning_overfrequency (double) specifies the frequency above which a warning is posted (default is 65.0 Hz).
- warning_undervoltage (double) specifies the voltage below which a warning is posted (default is 0.8 pu).
- warning_overvoltage (double) specifies the voltage above which a warning is posted (default is 1.2 pu).
- warning_voltageangle (double) specifies the angle difference (over a single link) above which a warning is posted (default is 2.0 deg).