Powerflow Module External LU Matrix Solver Overview
The powerflow module has the option to utilize a Newton-Raphson-based solver to obtaine the final system values. As part of this algorithm, a matrix inversion and the solving of a system of equations must occur (<math>Ax=b \to x=A^{-1}b</math>). By default, GridLAB-D uses the SuperLU package to perform these operations. However, other solvers may offer faster computations, or be better suited for a particular system being examined. As such, the ability to interface with an external solver is included in the GridLAB-D powerflow module.
General Specifications
Any matrix-equation solving package must be able to properly handle the data types passed. The specifics of the interfacing structure will be outlined below, but some general guidelines must hold for the selected solver.
All of the matrix manipulations are handled using double-precision floating point numbers, so the solver must support that capability. As part of the Newton-Raphson algorithm implemented, complex numbers are separated into their individual double-precision components.
The external matrix solver must accept sparse matrices in a compressed column sparse matrix representation. A brief description can be found at Netlib's compressed column representation page. Other modes can be translated inside the external matrix solver, but input data will come in this format. Consider a very simple 4x4 matrix:
<math> \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 3 & 0 & 0 \\ 3 & 0 & 4 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & -3 & 2 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} </math>.
In compressed column format, this matrix is fed in as three separate arrays:
<math>Data = \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 3 & 3 & -1 & 4 & -3 & 1 & 2 \end{bmatrix}</math>
<math>Rows = \begin{bmatrix}0 & 1 & 0 & 2 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 2 \end{bmatrix}</math>
<math>Columns = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 2 & 4 & 7 & 8 \end{bmatrix}</math>.
The specific arrays that contain the <math>Data</math>, <math>Rows</math>, and <math>Columns</math> information are outlined below. As long as the information is passed in this format and in a double-precision number, it will interface with the powerflow module.
GridLAB-D Implementation
To utilize an appropriate external matrix solver with the powerflow module, two steps must occur. First, the appropriate library file (.dll file in windows or .so file in Linux) must be located in a place where GridLAB-D can access it. This is typically in the same folder all of the module library files are located. If the file is not located in an accessible location, GridLAB-D will fail to load it and continue utilizing the internal superLU solver for the Newton-Raphson powerflow.
In addition to being accessible, GridLAB-D must also know to look for the solver. This is done with a powerflow module-level variable lu_solver. If a compiled version of the KLU solver were utilized, it would be implemented with
module powerflow { lu_solver "KLU"; solver_method NR; }
where "KLU" represents the name of the appropriate library file (e.g., solver_KLU.dll on Windows) and the solver_method NR line indicates the Newton-Raphson solver should be utilized. If solver_method NR is not specified, powerflow defaults to the Forward-Back Sweep method and does not utilize the matrix solver.
Functional Interface
To properly integrate into the powerflow module Newton-Raphson solver, four functions must be exported or exposed from the appropriate library file. If any one of these functions is not found by the powerflow module during initialization, the solver reverts to the internal superLU solver.
The four function names required are:
Name | Brief Description |
LU_init | Initialization function prior to Y-matrix formation or allocations |
LU_alloc | Allocation and memory handling function |
LU_solve | Solver function |
LU_destroy | Memory freeing and temporary variable cleaning function |
The function prototype for LU_init is given as
void *LU_init(void *ext_array)
where ext_array is a void pointer kept by the Newton-Raphson solver. On success the return value is a pointer to the new ext_array. This implementation allows an easier exit for NULL conditions, particularly if a memory allocation fails. Upon completion of the LU_init routine, the powerflow NR solver checks this variable for a NULL condition. As such, if no intermediate variable storage is needed, ext_array must point to some dummy, non-NULL location to allow the solver to proceed.
The ext_array variable is meant to provide persistence between calls to the Newton-Raphson solver and store any variables the particular external solver needs between runs. A pointer to a structure is suggested as a way to keep individual variables of the external solver separate.
This function is intended to initialize any "start-up" parameters for the matrix solver, such as default options or reset flop calculations.
The function prototype for LU_alloc is given as
void LU_alloc(void *ext_array, unsigned int rowcount, unsigned int colcount, bool admittance_change)
where ext_array is the same void pointer utilized in LU_init. rowcount and colcount provide information on the admittance matrix that is expected to pass into the solver. At this time, rowcount and colcount are the same value (square admittance matrix), but the general functionality is prototyped here in case future matrix solver uses in powerflow require it. The admittance_change flag occurs when the admittance matrix has had a value updated, or the overall size changed. This variable is set after the particular Newton-Raphson call finishes (inside the SWING node), but could be reset inside LU_alloc to prevent multiple memory allocations.
This function is intended to initialize any working arrays required by the external solver, such as L or U decomposition matrices or permutation matrices.
The function prototype for LU_solve is given as
int LU_solve(void *ext_array, NR_SOLVER_VARS *system_info_vars, unsigned int rowcount, unsigned int colcount)
where ext_array is again the same void-pointered storage array utilized in the previous functions. rowcount and colcount serve similar roles to those in LU_alloc, but colcount is passed the solution vector's column count (1 for current implementations of the Newton-Raphson solver). The system_info_vars parameter is a structure that contains the compressed column sparse matrix formatted data, as well as the solution vector. The structure NR_SOLVER_VARS is defined in the C-code as
typedef struct { double *a_LU; double *rhs_LU; int *cols_LU; int *rows_LU; } NR_SOLVER_VARS;
where a_LU contains the non-zero data elements(<math>Data</math> in the example above), rhs_LU contains the solution vector (the <math>b</math> portion of the <math>Ax=b</math> equation), cols_LU contains the column transition points (<math>Columns</math> in the above example), and row_LU contains the row locations of the data (<math>Rows</math> in the above example). Note that the solution, <math>x</math> is returned in the rhs_LU portion of this structure, so <math>b</math> will need to be stored separately if this will affect the solver operation.
The LU_solve function returns an integer status indicating its success or failure. Any value returned that is non-zero will be interpreted as a solver failure by the powerflow module. The return value will be explained via a gl_verbose call, so solver failures can be passed via this variable for debugging and diagnostic purposes.
This function is intended to contain the actual matrix equation solver. If explicit knowledge of the data being passed in (in the compressed column sparse format) is required for solver variable initialization, it may be performed in this function as well.
The function prototype for LU_destroy is given as
void LU_destroy(void *ext_array, bool new_iteration)
where ext_array is the null pointer variable passed into the other functions and new_iteration is a flag indicating if another solver pass is scheduled. If new_iteration is false, the Newton-Raphson solution meets the convergence criterion and the solver is preparing to exit back to powerflow.
This function is intended to remove any iteration-specific or intermediate memory spaces between calls to the external solver routine (in LU_solve). It can be used to clean up values upon a successful solution, if the new_iteration flag is utilized.
Linux Build
To build the KLU shared library in Linux you must modify the Makefile in solver_klu/source/KLU/Lib to add the following targets to the library target
install: library libklu.so libklu.la cp libklu.{so,la} /usr/local/lib/gridlabd libklu.la: libtool --mode=link gcc -g -O -o libklu.la *.o libklu.so: ar -x libklu.a gcc -shared *.o -o libklu.so
On some systems you may need to change the compiler flags to support relocation during loader operations. If so, change the following line:
C = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC
to include the -fPIC option.
After building the library using the main makefile in the KLU folder, run make in the KLU/Lib folder and copy the targets to the gridlabd library folder, naming them solver_klu,{la,so}. Then you can use the lu_solver "klu" in the model to enable use of the KLU solver, i.e.,
module powerflow { #ifexist "/usr/local/lib/gridlabd/libklu.so" lu_solver klu; #endif solver_method NR; }