From GridLAB-D Wiki
Simulates single-family homes with various appliances, electronics, and occupants.
module residential; module residential { default_outdoor_temperature 74.0 degF; default_humidity 75.0 %; default_etp_iterations 100; implicit_enduses LIGHTS|PLUGS|OCCUPANCY|DISHWASHER|MICROWAVE|FREEZER|REFRIGERATOR|RANGE|EVCHARGER|WATERHEATER|CLOTHESWASHER|DRYER; house_low_temperature_warning 55 degF; house_high_temperature_warning 95 degF; thermostat_control_warning TRUE; system_dwell_time 1 s; aux_cutin_temperature 10 degF; }
- house – Single-family home model.
- residential_enduse – Abstract residential end-use class.
- waterheater – Typical residential water heating appliance.
- ZIPload – Generic constant impedance/current/power end-use load.
- As of Hassayampa (Version 3.0)
- These may be available in earlier versions but they have not been validated and are not supported.
- lights – Typical residential lights.
- occupantload – Residential occupants (sensible and latent heat).
- plugload – Typical residential plug loads.
- Unsupported
- These may be available in many versions but they have not been validated and are not supported.
- clotheswasher – Typical residential clothes washing appliance.
- dishwasher – Typical residential dish washing appliance.
- dryer – Typical residential clothes drying appliance.
- evcharger – Standard electric vehicle charger.
- freezer – Typical residential freezing appliance.
- microwave – Typical residential microwave appliance.
- range – Typical residential cooking appliance.
- refrigerator – Typical residential refrigeration appliance.
- default_line_voltage (complex[3]) Incoming line voltage to use when no power objects are defined (default is 240V+0j,120V+0j,120V+0j).
- default_line_current (complex[3]) Line current across the outside energy meter (default is 0A+0j,0A+0j,0A+0j).
- default_outdoor_temperature (double) Used when no climate/weather data is available (default is 74 degF).
- default_humidity (double) Used when no climate/weather data is available (default is 75%).
- default_solar (double[9]) Used when no climate/weather data is available (default is 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0).
- default_etp_iterations (int64) Limits the number of iterations the ETP solver will perform before stopping (default is 100).
Due to parsing limitations on arrays default_line_voltage, default_line_current, and default_solar cannot be set from a GLM file.
See also
- Residential module
- User's Guide
- Appliances
- house class – Single-family home model.
- residential_enduse class – Abstract residential end-use class.
- occupantload – Residential occupants (sensible and latent heat).
- ZIPload – Generic constant impedance/current/power end-use load.
- Technical Documents