The purpose of the range model in GridLAB-D is to facilitate the real representation of the oven and cooktop energy consumptions profile.
General Description
Electric range has oven and an electronic control for the cooktop. It converts electrical energy into heat to cook and bake.
The food in the oven is heated by an electrical element and is controlled by a thermostat. Oven element capacity (wattage) ranges from about 500[[Units|W] to 2500W, with 1000W being common. It heats to the temperature that the user sets it to. Thermostatic controls have a deadband associated with the setpoint to prevent rapid cycling of power to the elements, which would result if the turn-on temperature equaled the turn-off temperature. The deadband is typically a few degrees above and below the nominal setpoint.
The oven GridLAB-D model is similar to that of GridLAB-D waterheater one-node model.
The cooktop has burners on the top and is usually installed into a countertop. These are essentially perfectly resistive loads. Each burner on a cooktop can be controlled by the user-controlled knob settings.
Modeling Assumptions
- The temperature inside the oven is considered to be uniform throughout.
- Three cooktop settings are considered for the cooktop model.
- The cooktop is a timer-based model. This implies that the operating time of the cooktop depends on time settings rather than on system voltage.
Oven Equations
Variable | Definition |
<math>T_{on}</math> | Lower setpoint temperature of oven (degF) |
<math>T_{off}</math> | Upper setpoint temperature of oven (degF) |
<math>\dot{m}</math> | mass flow (lb/hr) |
<math>T_{amb}</math> | Ambient temperature (degF) |
<math>GALPCF</math> | Gallons to cubic foot conversion factor |
<math>BTUPHPKW</math> | Btu/hr to kw conversion factor |
<math>\Delta_{t}</math> | The time required to change the oven's temperature from an intial temperature (<math>T_0</math>) to a new temperature (<math>T_1</math>) |
<math>C_w</math> | Thermal capacitance |
ovenUA | Thermal Conductance |
<math>P_l</math> | Load power |
<math>I_l</math> | Load current |
<math>Z_l</math> | Load admittance |
<math>V_l</math> | Load voltage factor |
<math> C_{heat}</math> | Heating element capacity |
<math>p_l</math> | Load power fraction |
<math>i_l</math> | Load current fraction |
<math>z_l</math> | Load impedance fraction |
<math>P_{total}</math> | Total power |
<math>E_{total}</math> | Energy used |
<math>T_{set}</math> | Oven setpoint |
<math>db</math> | Thermostat deadband |
ovenDemand | oven demand in gal/min |
<math>\rho</math> | density of food in pounds per cubic feet (lb/cf) |
<math>C_p</math> | |
<math>c_{food}</math> | Specific heat of the food |
Total Power Calculation
- <math>\begin{align}P_l &= C_{heat} \cdot p_l\\
I_l &= C_{heat} \cdot i_l\\ Z_l &= C_{heat} \cdot z_l\end{align}</math>
- <math>P_{total} = (P_l + (I_l + Z_lV_l) \cdot V_l) \cdot 1000</math>
- <math>E_{total} = \frac{P_{total}}{1000} \cdot \frac{\Delta t}{3600}</math>
Thermostat Setpoint Temperatures
- <math>\begin{align}T_{on}&=T_{set}-\frac{db}{2}\\
New Time Calculation
Estimate mass flow:
- <math>\dot{m}= \text{ovenDemand} \cdot 60 \cdot \frac{\rho}{GALPCF}</math>
Calculate new time
- <math>\begin{align}\Delta t &= \frac{\text{log}(c_1+c_2T_1)-\text{log}(c_1+c_2T_0)}{c_2}\\
c_{11}&=\frac{\text{ovenUA} + \dot{m}_{C_p}}{C_w}\\ c_{22}&=\frac{(P_{total}\cdot BTUPHPKW) + (\dot{m}\cdot c_{food})+(\text{ovenUA} \cdot T_{amb})}{\text{ovenUA}+(\dot{m} \cdot c_{food})}\\ T_{new}&=c_{22}-(c_{22}-T_0) \cdot exp(-c_{11} \cdot \Delta t)\end{align}</math>
- <math>\begin{align}c_1 &= \frac{(P_{total} \cdot BTUPHPKW + ovenUA \cdot T_{amb} + \dot{m} \cdot C_p \cdot T_{inlet})}{C_w}\\
c_2&=\frac{-(ovenUA+\dot{m}\cdot c_{food})}{C_w}\\ C_w &= \frac{v_{oven}}{GALPCF} \cdot \rho \cdot c_{food}\end{align}</math>
Interfacing Overview
Object Inclusion
Published Inputs
The user may input values for the following variables related to the oven model.
Variable | Type | Units | Default | Definition |
oven_volume | double | gal | 5 | Volume of oven |
heating_element_capacity | double | kw | 1 | Power rating of heating element |
oven_setpoint | double | degF | 100 | Setpoint temperature of oven |
temperature | double | degF | 70 | Initial temperature |
thermostat_deadband | double | degF | 8 | Deadband around oven_setpoint temperature (half above, half below) |
location | bool | n/a | INSIDE | location of oven |
oven_UA | double | BTU/hr.F | 2.9 | Thermal conductance of the oven |
food_density | double | lb/cf | 5 | Density of the food |
specificheat_food | double | Btu/lb.degF | 1 | Specific heat of the food |
time_oven_setting | double | s | 3600 | Cycle time of oven |
load_impedence_fraction | double | n/a | 1 | Constant impedance component fraction |
load_current_fraction | double | n/a | 0 | Constant current component fraction |
load_power_fraction | double | n/a | 0 | Constant power component fraction |
queue_oven | double | n/a | 0.85 | Oven is placed in its 'queue' and awaiting to be turned on |
demand_oven | double | n/a | RANGE * 20 | The probability that a given oven is turned on depends on demand_oven, and the value of the normalized oven load shape at any given time. The higher these quantities are, the higher the probability of the given appliance turning on (GE CRADA report) |
Variable | Type | Units | Default | Definition |
cooktop_energy_baseline | double | kwh | 0.5 | The amount of energy needed for a cooktop event |
cooktop_coil_setting_1 | double | W | 2 | Power rating of the cooktop's high level setting |
cooktop_coil_setting_2 | double | W | 1 | Power rating of the cooktop's low leven setting |
cooktop_coil_setting_3 | double | W | 1.7 | Power rating of the cooktop's medium level setting |
cooktop_interval_setting_1 | double | s | 240 | Cook time of setting 1 |
cooktop_interval_setting_2 | double | s | 900 | Cook time of setting 2 |
cooktop_interval_setting_3 | double | s | 120 | The amount of energy needed for a cooktop event |
time_cooktop_setting | double | s | 2000 | Cycle time of cooktop |
demand_cooktop | double | n/a | RANGE* 35 | The probability that a given cooktop is turned on depends on demand_cooktop and the value of the normalized appliance load shape at any given time. The higher these quantities are, the highter the probability of the given appliance turning on (GE CRADA report) |
queue_cooktop | double | n/a | 0.99 | Cooktop is placed in its 'queue' and awaiting its turn to be ON |
queue_min | double | n/a | 0 | Minimum 'queue' value considered |
queue_max | double | n/a | 2 | Maximum 'queue' value considered |
Published Outputs
Variable | Type | Units | Definition |
total_power_oven | double | kw | Total power required during the oven cycle |
total_power_cooktop | double | kw | Total power required during the cooktop cycle |
cooktop_energy_used | double | kwh | Total energy consumed for cooktop cycle |
time_cooktop_operation | double | s | Duration of cooktop in each setting |
Toff | double | degF | Upper setpoint temperature |
Ton | double | degF | Lower setpoint temperature |
time_oven_operation | double | s | Incremental change of oven operation time when it is ON |
time_oven_setting | double | s | Total ON time for electric oven |
Data Structure
To facilitate data operations between the individual objects and the dynamic solver capability, a common data structure will be used to pass information back and forth. This data structure should contain information and pointers to the following elements.
Variable | Definition |
timestamp | Pointer to current timestamp of the solution |
timestamp_change | Pointer to the difference between the last and current timestamp |
energy | Pointer to accumulated energy consumption of the system |
voltage | Pointer to complex voltage values of the object |
current | Pointer to complex current values of the object |
power | Pointer to complex power contributions of the object |
impedance | Pointer to complex impedance contributions of the object |
Solver Timing
The range model will need to be properly timed with the powerflow solution, as well as the requirements of the individual range components.
Solver Passes
The oven model follows these steps:
- Solve the time required to change the oven's temperature if the oven's inside temperature is lower than the lower setpoint temperature.
- Solve the oven interface components based on its settings.
- Update the energy calculation.
After these steps are complete, the simulation advances to the next timestamp. This sequence will repeat until the next GridLAB-D overall timestamp is encountered. At that point, the changes will be reflected into the quasi-steady state powerflow solution, and the process will repeat until the given energy consumption is elapsed.
The cooktop model follows these steps:
- Solve the cooktop interface conponents based on its settings.
- Update energy calculation.
Solution Timesteps
TODO: Add description like in Spec:Microgrids.
Solver Call Timing
TODO: Add description like in Spec:Microgrids.
Testing And Validation
TODO: Include finalized testing and validation.
- IEEE power & energy magazine; May/June 2010