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The synchronization control capability in GridLAB-D is implemented to adjust the frequency and voltage differences via a controlled generation unit for the synchronization check capability of the sync_ctrl object, which performs paralleling for two independent power grids. The controlled generation unit is either a diesel generator or a grid-forming inverter. This could be used to help with paralleling two separate power systems, or reconnecting a microgrid to the bulk power system. In the simulation, the frequency and voltage magnitude differences are checked. When conditions are satisfied, the sync_check object will be armed by the sync_ctrl object. Otherwise, the generation unit is controlled for achieving these conditions.

Inputs and outputs of related objects

The inputs and outputs of the switch, sync_check, sync_ctrl, and controlled generation unit (i.e., diesel_dg/inverter_dyn) objects are shown in the following figure, together with the dataflow.

Sync ctrl dataflow.png

Published properties

The published public and hidden properties are listed in Table 1 and 2, respectively, together with the mapped member variables. The sync_ctrl object inherits all standard Object_(directive) values as well. The definitions of other member variables, which are not published as properties, are presented in Table 3 of the next section "Member variable definitions".


One sample sync_ctrl object defined in the glm file is show as follows.

object sync_ctrl
    name sct_f01f02;
    flags DELTAMODE;

    armed false; //starting as disarmed

    sync_check_object grid_resyncer; //the sync_check object linked to this sync_ctrl object
    controlled_generation_unit Diesel_1; //the controlled genration unit can be either a DG or INV
    // controlled_generation_unit Inverter_1;

    //About the modes: 1) 'Mode A' is the controlling mode, in which the PI controllers of the sync_ctrl object send commands to the controlled generation unit. 2) In 'Mode B', the sync_ctrl object monitors the voltage magnitude and frequency differences, but its PI controllers are not used and there is no signal sent to the controlled generation unit.
    //Details of the modes and control flow are shown in this figure:
    controlling_period 2; //the user-defined period when both metrics are satisfied and this sync_ctrl object works in mode A
    monitoring_period 15; //the user-defined period when this sync_ctrl object keeps on monitoring in mode B, if both metrics are not violated and the switch object is not closed

    frequency_tolerance_ub_hz -0.7; //the control target is set as (frequency_tolerance_ub_hz + frequency_tolerance_lb_hz)/2
    frequency_tolerance_lb_hz -0.1; //the values of frequency_tolerance_ub_hz and frequency_tolerance_lb_hz can be swapped freely, the results will be the same

    pi_freq_kp -2; //the user-defined proportional gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the frequency setting
    pi_freq_ki -0.2; //the user-defined integral gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the frequency setting

    //Note that the control target of the voltage magnitude difference is set as 0, regardless of the setting of voltage_magnitude_tolerance_pu
    voltage_magnitude_tolerance_pu 0.02; //the user-specified tolerance in per unit for the difference in voltage magnitudes for checking the voltage metric
    pi_volt_mag_kp -2; //the user-defined proportional gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the voltage magnitude setting
    pi_volt_mag_ki -0.2; //the user-defined integral gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the voltage magnitude setting

    sct_volt_cv_arm_flag true; //if set as false, the PI controller for voltage magnitude difference control will be disabled
    pi_volt_mag_ub_pu 1.65; //the upper bound of the output signal (e.g., vset) of the voltage controller
    pi_volt_mag_lb_pu 0.35; //the lower bound of the output signal (e.g., vset) of the voltage controller

    sct_freq_cv_arm_flag true; //if set as false, the PI controller for frequency difference control will be disabled
    pi_freq_ub_pu 1.0; //the upper bound of the output signal (e.g., Pset) of the frequency controller
    pi_freq_lb_pu 0; //the lower bound of the output signal (e.g., Pset) of the frequency controller

Public properties

Table 1 - Published Public Properties and Mapped Member Variables
Property Mapped Member Variable Data Type Unit Descriptions
armed sct_armed_flag Boolean N/A Turns on/off the action functionality:
  • True - This object is armed/functional
  • False - This object is disarmed/disabled
sync_check_object sck_obj_ptr Object N/A The object reference/name of the sync_check object, which works with this sync_ctrl object
controlled_generation_unit cgu_obj_ptr Object N/A The object reference/name of the controlled generation unit (i.e., a diesel_dg/inverter_dyn object), which serves as the actuator of the PI controllers of this sync_ctrl object
frequency_tolerance_ub_Hz sct_freq_tol_ub_hz Double Hz The user-specified tolerance in Hz for checking the upper bound of the frequency metric
frequency_tolerance_lb_Hz sct_freq_tol_lb_hz Double Hz The user-specified tolerance in Hz for checking the lower bound of the frequency metric
voltage_magnitude_tolerance_pu sct_volt_mag_tol_pu Double pu The user-specified tolerance in per unit for the difference in voltage magnitudes for checking the voltage metric
controlling_period pp_t_ctrl_sec Double sec The "controlling_period" is the setting for 'Mode A'. In 'Mode A', the PI controllers adjust the frequency and voltage magnitude. Once the voltage magnitude and frequency differences are small enough for a period, which is equal or longer than the "controlling_period", the sync_ctrl object transits to 'Mode B' and its PI controllers are stopped. This is used to ensure the PI controller has reached a stable condition where the sync_check could close, and was not just a transient condition of the system that was within range.
monitoring_period pp_t_mon_sec Double sec The "monitoring_period" is the setting for 'Mode B'. In 'Mode B', the sync_ctrl checks the voltage magnitude and frequency differences. If they are in the tolerance ranges, sync_ctrl does not nothing but keeps waiting for the switch object to be closed by the sync_check. If they become out of the range, the sync_ctrl transits back to 'Mode A', and its PI controllers are reinitialized and start to bring the frequency and voltage magnitude back to the tolerance ranges. This is used to ensure the sync_check object executes the switch closure, but serves as a fail safe in case the object encounters any difficulties.
PI Controller
pi_freq_kp pi_freq_kp Double pu The user-defined proportional gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the frequency setting
pi_freq_ki pi_freq_ki Double pu The user-defined integral gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the frequency setting
pi_freq_ub_pu pi_freq_ub_pu Double pu The upper bound of the output (i.e., the control variable 'Pset'/'fset') of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference in per unit
pi_freq_lb_pu pi_freq_lb_pu Double pu The lower bound of the output (i.e., the control variable 'Pset'/'fset') of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference in per unit
pi_volt_mag_kp pi_volt_mag_kp Double pu The user-defined proportional gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the voltage magnitude setting
pi_volt_mag_ki pi_volt_mag_ki Double pu The user-defined integral gain constant of the PI controller for adjusting the voltage magnitude setting
pi_volt_mag_ub_pu pi_volt_mag_ub_pu Double pu The upper bound of the output (i.e., the control variable 'Vset') of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference in per unit
pi_volt_mag_lb_pu pi_volt_mag_lb_pu Double pu The lower bound of the output (i.e., the control variable 'Vset') of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference in per unit

Hidden properties

Table 1 - Published Hidden Properties and Mapped Member Variables
Property Mapped Member Variable Data Type Unit Descriptions
Flag & Status
sct_volt_cv_arm_flag sct_volt_cv_arm_flag Boolean N/A Turns on/off the output of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference:
  • True - The 'Vset' property of the controlled generation unit is set as the output of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference in 'Mode A'
  • False - The 'Vset' property of the controlled generation unit is NOT set as the output of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference in 'Mode A'
sct_freq_cv_arm_flag sct_freq_cv_arm_flag Boolean N/A Turns on/off the output of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference:
  • True - The 'Pset'/'fset' property of the controlled generation unit is set as the output of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference in 'Mode A'
  • False - The 'Pset'/'fset' property of the controlled generation unit is NOT set as the output of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference in 'Mode A'
mode_status mode_status Enumeration N/A Indicates the current working mode status:
  • MODE_A - This object is working in mode A (i.e., the controlling mode)
  • MODE_B - This object is working in mode B (i.e., the monitoring mode)
cgu_volt_set_mpv cgu_volt_set_mpv Double pu The measured process variable (i.e., the feedback signal) of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference
cgu_volt_set_cv cgu_volt_set_cv Double pu The output of the PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference (i.e., the control variable, which is denoted as u(t) in usual)
cgu_freq_set_mpv cgu_freq_set_mpv Double pu The measured process variable (i.e., the feedback signal) of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference
cgu_freq_set_cv cgu_freq_set_cv Double pu The output of the PI controller that adjusts the frequency difference (i.e., the control variable, which is denoted as u(t) in usual)

Member variable definitions

Some member variables, which are not published as properties, of the sync_ctrl class are listed in Table 3. For other member variables, which are not included in Table 3, please look at the source code and related comments.

Table 3 - Definitions of Some Member Variable
Member variable Data Type Unit Definition
Flag & Status
swt_status Enumeration N/A Status of the switch object, which is the parent object of the specified sync_check object of this sync_ctrl object. Valid states are:
  • OPEN - The switch object is open and no current can flow
  • CLOSED - The switch object is closed and conducting
sck_armed_status Boolean N/A Action functionality status of the specified sync_check object of this sync_ctrl object. Valid states are:
timer_mode_A_sec Double sec The total period (initialized as 0) during which both metrics have been satisfied continuously when this sync_ctrl object is in mode A and PI controllers are working
timer_mode_B_sec Double sec The total period (initialized as 0) during which the both metrics have been satisfied continuously when this sync_ctrl object is in mode B and monitoring
System Info
sys_nom_freq_hz Double Hz The power system nominal frequency

Methodology of quasi-steady state time series (QSTS)

No explicit functions are performed in the QSTS mode. The sync_ctrl will perform all behavior in deltamode, under the assumption the call to deltamode was triggered by either the device arming the sync_ctrl object, or by something elsewhere in the system making the adjustments for synchronization to occur.

Methodology of deltamode


The flowchart for sync_ctrl in deltamode is shown as follows. In mode A, the sync_ctrl adjusts the voltage and frequency settings of the controlled generation unit actively. In mode B, it monitors the voltage magnitudes and frequency and counts a timer, determining to switch to mode A if needed.

Sync ctrl flowchart.png

Pseudocode of modes

The pseudocode of two functions that check the metrics in mode A and B, respectively, are shown as follows.

Mode A

algorithm sync_ctrl_metrics_check_mode_A is
   inputs: swt_fm_nd_freq_hz, swt_to_nd_freq_hz,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_a_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_a_v,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_b_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_b_v,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_c_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_c_v,
           norm_volt_v, sct_freq_tol_ub_hz, sct_freq_tol_lb_hz, sct_volt_mag_tol_pu
   output: Flag metrics_check_flag such that metrics_check_flag is true if both metrics are satisfied for an enough period, false otherwise
   //== Frequency
   freq_diff_hz ← abs(swt_fm_nd_freq_hz - swt_to_nd_freq_hz)
   //== Voltage (Phase A)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_a_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_a_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_a_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_a_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_a_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Voltage (Phase B)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_b_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_b_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_b_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_b_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_b_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Voltage (Phase C)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_c_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_c_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_c_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_c_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_c_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Check
   if (freq_diff_hz <= sct_freq_tol_ub_hz) and (freq_diff_hz >= sct_freq_tol_lb_hz) and 
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_a_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) and
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_b_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) and
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_c_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) do
       timer_mode_A_sectimer_mode_A_sec + dt_dm_sec //dt_dm_sec is a local variable that indicates the current deltamode timestep
   else do
       timer_mode_A_sec ← 0
   if (timer_mode_A_sec >= pp_t_ctrl_sec) do
       metrics_check_flag ← true
   else do
       metrics_check_flag ← false
   return metrics_check_flag

Mode B

algorithm sync_ctrl_metrics_check_mode_B is
   inputs: swt_fm_nd_freq_hz, swt_to_nd_freq_hz,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_a_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_a_v,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_b_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_b_v,
           swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_c_v, swt_to_nd_volt_ph_c_v,
           norm_volt_v, sct_freq_tol_ub_hz, sct_freq_tol_lb_hz, sct_volt_mag_tol_pu
   output: Flag metrics_check_flag such that metrics_check_flag is true if both metrics are satisfied within this timestep, false otherwise
   //== Frequency
   freq_diff_hz ← abs(swt_fm_nd_freq_hz - swt_to_nd_freq_hz)
   //== Voltage (Phase A)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_a_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_a_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_a_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_a_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_a_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Voltage (Phase B)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_b_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_b_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_b_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_b_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_b_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Voltage (Phase C)
   volt_mag_diff_ph_c_v ← abs(abs(swt_fm_nd_volt_ph_c_v) - abs(swt_to_nd_volt_ph_c_v))
   volt_mag_diff_ph_c_puvolt_mag_diff_ph_c_v / norm_volt_v
   //== Check
   if (freq_diff_hz <= sct_freq_tol_ub_hz) and (freq_diff_hz >= sct_freq_tol_lb_hz) and 
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_a_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) and
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_b_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) and
            (volt_mag_diff_ph_c_pu <= sct_volt_mag_tol_pu) do
       metrics_check_flag ← true
   else do
       metrics_check_flag ← false
   return metrics_check_flag

PI Controllers

There are two PI controllers that adjust the respective voltage magnitude and frequency settings of the controlled generation unit. The desired set-point of that frequency PI controller is calculated by (frequency_tolerance_ub_Hz + frequency_tolerance_lb_Hz)/2. The other PI controller that adjusts the voltage magnitude difference uses the set-point of 0, which cannot be modified by the user at this stage.


This subsection provides an outline on how the sync_ctrl object will be tested to ensure its functionality. The current plan is to use two 4-node test systems interconnected through a switch object, which is the parent of a sync_check object. The switch object is initially open and disarmed. The sync_check object is specified as a property of the sync_ctrl object, which is initially disarmed as well.

The frequency and voltage values measured at the 'from' and 'to' nodes of the switch object are initialized in different values. The deviations must be larger than the user defined tolerances. The frequency and voltage of the 'from'/'to' node of the parent switch object of the sync_check object are manipulated by the sync_ctrl object via the controlled generation unit (i.e., a diesel generator or a grid-forming inverter) towards the measurements of the 'from'/'to' node. The controlled generation unit is specified as a property of the sync_ctrl object. It is physically in the same island with the 'from'/'to' node. Once the deviations are both within the tolerance longer than the user defined period, the sync_ctrl object transits from 'Mode A' to 'Mode B' and sends an 'armed' command to the sync_check object. This sample use case will be included in the autotest for the sync_ctrl object.

See also