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Tech:double array - double_array Technical Notes
- Declaration
#include <gridlabd.h> class myclass : public gld_object { private: GL_STRUCT(double_array,name); }
- Implementation
#include "myclass.h" myclass::myclass(MODULE *module) { // ... if ( gl_publish(oclass, PT_double_array,"name",get_name_offset(), // other options... NULL)<1 ) exception("unable to publish module myclass properties"); // ... } int myclass::create(void) { // ... name.set_name("name"); // ... } int myclass::init(OBJECT *parent) { // ... set_name("'a'11 'a'12 ... 'a'1M ; 'a'21 'a'22 ... 'a'2M ; 'a'N1 'a'N2 ... 'a'NM"); }
The double_array is a built-in type type and implemented as a class in the C++ Module API. This class allows basic math operations on arrays. The following operators are supported
A good example of using double_array is the canonical control model:
int example::sync(timestamp t1) { TIMESTAMP ts = 10; // discrete-time model time step Y = C*X + D*U; X += A*X + B*U; return (t1/ts+1)*ts; }
The declarations for the arrays are
GL_STRUCT(double_array,A); ///< A matrix (state transition) GL_STRUCT(double_array,B); ///< B matrix (control) GL_STRUCT(double_array,C); ///< C matrix (output) GL_STRUCT(double_array,D); ///< D matrix (feedfwd) GL_STRUCT(double_array,X); ///< state vector X (state) GL_STRUCT(double_array,U); ///< control vector U (input) GL_STRUCT(double_array,Y); ///< output vector Y (output)
The user would then provide the input and output properties and the model definition in the GLM file. The following example is a SISO model (the extension to MIMO is intuitive).
module class example { double input; double output; } object example { input 0; output 0; A "0 1 ; -0.16 -1"; // dimensions must match state vector B "1 ; 1"; // dimensions must match state vector and input C "1 0"; // dimensions must match state vector and output D "0"; // dimensions must match input input and output U "input"; X "0 ; 0"; Y "output"; object player { property input; file input.csv; }; object recorder { property output; file output.csv; interval -1; }; };
Support for double_array math operations was added in Jojoba (Version 3.2).