Ostrander (Version 5.0) New in 5.0!
Building GridLAB-D
These instructions should be executed in your terminal of choice. This may be MSYS2, a WSL instance, or the built-in terminal for your OS of choice (note: Windows CMD does not work).
If you are on Windows and are using MSYS2, see this page for setting up MSYS2 to run the commands below.
If you have an Apple-ARM-based Mac, be sure to skip to the ARM-Based Section for those instructions.
CMake CCMake or CMake-gui (optional) g++ or Clang
Clone the git repository for GridLAB-D and update submodules:
git clone https://github.com/gridlab-d/gridlab-d.git cd gridlab-d git submodule update --init
Prepare out-of-source build directory
Create build directory and move into it:
mkdir cmake-build cd cmake-build
Generate the build system
CMake flags can be added using the `-D` prefix, and different build systems can be selected using `-G`.
Below is a general format guide, and an actual viable build command for most platforms.
# Format: cmake <flags> ..
# Full Example: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/software/GridLAB-D -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" ..
Build and install the application
CMake can directly invoke the build and install process by running the below command. Multiprocess build is enabled through the `-j#` flag (`-j8` in the included example).
# Run the build system and install the application cmake --build . -j8 --target install
CMake Variables
The following variables affect the build process and can be changed using the `-D` flag at build generation or by updating the cache using ccmake or cmake-gui (default values are shown).
Variable | Valid Values | Description | Linux/Mac Default | Windows Default |
Example | Example | Example | Example | Example |
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | 'Debug', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel', 'Release' | Compiler optimizer configuration | Debug | Debug |
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | Any path | Install location | /usr/local | %ProgramFiles% |
GLD_USE_HELICS | ON/OFF | Enables detection and use of HELICS | OFF | OFF |
HELICS_DIR | Any path | Hint indicating HELICS install directory | ||
GLD_USE_MYSQL | ON/OFF | Enables detection and use of MySQL | OFF | OFF |
MYSQL_DIR | Any path | Hint indicating MySQL install directory |
Enable building with HELICS
To enable HELICS set the `GLD_USE_HELICS` flag to `ON` if HELICS is in a custom path set `HELICS_DIR` to the install location in CMake or as an environmental variable
Enable building with MySQL
To enable MySQL support set the `GLD_USE_MYSQL` flag to `ON` if MySQL is in a custom path set `MYSQL_DIR` to the install location in CMake or as an environmental variable
Enable build debugging
To output all build commands during build, set following flag to `ON`
Developer Build Flags
GridLAB-D Developers may want to enable additional C++ code style and bugprone checks, which have been made available through the use of the clang-tidy tool at compile time. To enable these build-time checks, a flag to enable these checks is provided
WARNING: Enabling clang-tidy checks will significantly increase the number of build warnings for portions of the code base which have not yet been updated
Building on ARM-Based macOS (M1, M2, M3....)
As of this writing (Sept 2024), GridLAB-D functions best when built as a x86-64 (Intel-chip) binary where macOS can use Rosetta 2 to translate the machine code to run on an ARM-based processor.
Switch the architecture of the Terminal shell
gld_user2@mymac ~ % arch -x86_64 zsh
This launches a new zsh shell as an x86-64 process so the compilation/build run in this shell will produce x86-64 binary.
Install HomeBrew
Homebrew is a package manager for macOS and is the easiest way to install many tools from the Linux world. As of this writing (Sept 2024), you can install Homebrew with the following command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install build dependencies
brew install cmake # installs cmake and ccmake
Optionally, if you plan on including HELICS compatibility in GridLAB-D, install the ZeroMQ library
brew install zeromq
(HELICS-only) Find the location of the HELICS library file libhelics.dylib
Depending on how you installed HELICS (building from source, installing pre-built binaries, using `pip`) the location of the libhelics.dylib on your system will vary. If you did install via `pip` you can use
pip show helics
as a starting point for your search. Other good places to look include `/usr/lib`, `/usr/local/lib`.
Once you find libhelics.dylib, copy the path to the folder containing it as it will be needed in configuring the build.
Clone in the GridLAB-D repo and set up the build directory (as in above instructions)
No special macOS instructions, here. The next step comes when configuring the build by running
ccmake .
Configure the build
The following environment variables are the most likely ones you may want to change:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = <<Location in which to install. If in a virtual or conda environment you'll want to set this to the path used in that environment.>>
GLD_HELICS_DIR = <<Directory where libhelics.dylib resides.>>
GLD_HELICS_DIR = <<Directory where libhelics.dylib resides.>>
Once all of these have been set, press `c` to configure and `g` to generate the configuration file. Due to a bug in ccmake it may take multiple attempts with `c` to get the `g` option to appear